
Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Everlasting Father today i will focus on your honor and majestic splendor, and your amazing deeds.
You are beautiful Lord.
You are Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.
You are Eternal. You are Overpowering. You are awesome Lord.
You are the Glorified Christ and i bow at your feet worshiping you.
You are radiant. You are like the sun that shines so very bright. You are bright morning star.
You rule over all. You rule heaven and earth and all that has been made. You alone are maker of heaven and earth. You are holy God exalted above the heavens.
Forgive me Eternal God when i forget you are Everywhere and i sin.
Thank you for all you have provided for me and my family today.
Protect me from the evil one and keep me safe and far away from those who would lead me away from you.
May you make me into a clean vessel that reflects who you are. Keep me in the hollow of your blessed hand holy Father. May i be one who displays your glory. I worship and praise you heavenly Father.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Gracious Father, from the very start you made an everlasting covenant. You place the bow in the cloud; and said that You would look upon it, and that you would remember the everlasting covenant between you and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
I will now stop! drop on my knees and praise you.
Powerful God there is no God like you. I praise your everlasting goodness!
Thank you for showing yourself a faithful God who keep covenant promises.
You have said those the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but your kindness shall not depart from you, neither shall the covenant of your peace be removed, for you the Lord are merciful.
God of peace you are the One who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant. Everlasting Father and Everlasting Lord you are eternal God.
Thank you for making a new covenant with us. The blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Thank you for putting your laws now in our minds, and writing them in our hearts; and thank you for being our God, and that we are your people.
Jesus thank you for being my mediator of the new covenant.
Thank you for pouring out your blood so that i would have forgiveness of sins.
Thank you for eternal life.
You are my Eternal God the great, powerful, and awesome God, who keeps covenant fidelity. You are always loyal and true to your promises. You are always faithful to your covenant.
I praise you for your majestic ways and wonders. Glory and praise be to the covenant God for the people.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Beautiful consolation of Israel today i want to praise you for being my consolation. Thank you for having compassion on me and for the comfort and strength that you give me when i need it the most. How great and mighty you are. I praise you for being the one who is Exalted above the heavens and who knows where i am at all times. You are Everywhere. You watch over your own and you notice what we are doing and what is our heart like at every moment of every second. I praise you Mighty Eternal God. You are the great Holy One.
Thank you for being my great deliverer and consolation; my redeemer.MY refuge and strength.
You are the One who comforts me and brings light to me so i will know where i am going when i am in the dark. Holy is God Almighty who guides me.
Thank you for giving me guidance and for filling me with your ways and your truth.
Thank you for having mercy upon me.
Thank you for filling me with joy and gladness.
Thank you for giving me hope and encouragement.
Blessed be God even the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.
Thank you that whenever i am in the dumps i can know you are near by and feel you place your Everlasting arms Father around me bringing me hope and confidence that all will be o.k.
Thank you for Upholding me and giving me strength when i am weak and powerless.
Thank you for inspiring me to keep on and not to let go of your Divine help.
Thank you for allowing me to draw near to you, and for you not standing a far a way but near, as near as my heart beat.
Lord you are my consolation. My praise is for you alone.
Thank you for helping me to stand fast and for loving me with an everlasting love.
You are my Everlasting consolation and my good hope through the grace i have received from you. I pray that your comfort will keep me stable in every good word and work for your glory.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


My Christ of God thank you for the confidence i have in belonging to you.
As Peter said You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Thank you for wrapping me in the love of God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ.
Keep me wrapped in your love and help me to stay pure so when you return my soul will not be ashamed but in the pure delight in coming to you as a bride to the bridegroom. Holy and beloved God i desire to know you so i can approach your beautiful light and glory. To know goodness and greatness these are the things i want to build in my spiritual life so i can enlarged my heart to the fullest pleasure and delight in knowing who you are and loving every bit of it. Holy and great God you are so wonderful and the more i know of you the more i realize i need to know. I love you like nothing i have ever known. You are glorious and loving and good.I want to spend my eternity with you. You make me want to empty all self and i do and you make me want to be filled with you and your ways. You are all important to me. Nothing will do but you. You are my all and all.
Lord thank you so much for directing me in my daily life bringing me joy and peace in every situation because of knowing you are near and watching over all i do I feel so loved and protected.
Please teach me to seek the things above that are important to you and to do what i am learning as to a loving and holy God.
Help me to be faithful in doing all that you have spoken to me to do so that your will will be done in my life.
Thank you for the grace and strength you give me to do those things i am to do.
Blessed is my God and the Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, who has truly bless me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ.
Thank you for enlarging my heart and giving me a new heart of flesh that can please you and thank you for the grace to walk in holiness as you lead me each day. I am in awe of your beautiful character and i do worship you. Teach me to stay focus on your beauty holy God. You are my pleasure and my delight. I love you so much.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


LORD JESUS Blessed be your name. Thank you for your faithfulness every single day.
As i open up to you and share my thoughts with you i find you right beside me. You are the God of hope. My hope is in you. I thank you for the hope i have in you.
Lord Jesus teach me. I want to live in hope so that i will have your gentle direction that leads to peace of heart and mind.I want to walk in hope and know that you have me in your everlasting arms. That You are my Everlasting Father. That You are the Everlasting Lord who guides and leads me in hope of everlasting life.
I honor you and exalt you above the heavens for you are my Father who knows me intimately and desires to bring great hope into my soul. Lord when my heart goes astray i can know for certain (for it is you who has taught me) that you are a forgiving Father. I can open up to you and talk to you and hear your sweet voice speaking softly to me saying you are my Father who is compassionate to his children who repent and turn their hearts back to him. How wonderful you are my Father. Thank you for teaching me your ways so that when I'm off course i know the way home. Thank you for being my hope. LORD JESUS you are God of hope.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Lord Jesus you are Christ my LORD. Hallow be your name Christ Jesus. Teach me how to align my will with yours. Show me how to live a holy life. Use me to bring you pleasure and delight. Help me to live for you. Strengthen my heart to serve you in ways that will honor you. Help me everyday to walk in newness of life. Thank you for being my source of strength when i am weak. I praise you who is All-Powerful strong and mighty. You are able to powerfully work through my life.
Thank you for watching over me as i grow and mature in my everyday life. Thank you for guarding my heart and mind. Teach me to know you more everyday. I'm learning that i am loved by you and family to you. Strengthen my faith as i grow into the image of your Son. Lead me by your Spirit and continue to teach me your ways and help me to walk in truth.
Thank you for teaching me how to live the christian way. Thank you for changing my heart and giving me your values. Thank you for being my friend and helper.
Help me to give myself sacrificial to you not holding back anything. Enlarge my heart to love and serve you more and more each day.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Precious Lord Jesus thank you for your nourishment that keeps us on the right course.
Your Word is living and gives strength to help us walk through life's situation's praise your holy name Lord God Almighty.
Thank you for the holy privilege to study your living word that brings repentance and a change life. Thank you that we can pray and talk to you about what is going on with us and to know that you hear us and that you delight to help us.
Thank you for giving us the Spirit of Truth who guides us, leads us and governs our lives so that we will know how you would have us to live our lives.
Keep us from straying from you so that we can live a life worthy of our calling.
Thank you for providing every thing we need to live a godly life.
Thank you for Christ who is the foundation of our spiritual Temple.
Thank you that we can grow more and more like Christ every single day. Help us not to grieve your holy Spirit.
Help us to live pleasing lives for your holy glory. Thank you Father for all you have done in the pass and what you are doing now to help us and just knowing you also will help us in the future. In Jesus wonderful name i pray amen.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Lord Jesus thank you for being our model on how to shepherd the flock in our care.
You are so tender. Help me to be tender. You are so gentle. Help me to be gentle.
Lord you are so loving. Help me to be loving. Lord you are so caring. Help me to be caring. Lord you are joyful. Show me how to be joyful. Lord you the Prince of peace. Help me to be at peace. Lord you are so longsuffering. Help me to be longsuffering.
Lord you are so good. Help me to show goodness to others. Lord you are so faithful. Help me to be faithful. Lord you are so meek. Help me to show meekness to others. Lord you are so full of self-control so discipline. Help me to be discipline in my life. Lord you are so kind. Help me to show kindness to others who need a friend to come along side them. Lord you are so truthful. Help me to be truthful. Lord you are so compassionate. Help me to be compassate. Lord you are so forgiving. Help me to forgive others. Lord you are righteous. Help me to stay in right relationship with you. Thank you for showing how to connect the dots to stay in right relationship with you. I love you for being my Chief Shepherd. Thank you for looking out after me.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Lord how i appreciate you being the chief cornerstone in my life. Thank you for holding me up in your truth and righteousness.
It is well with my soul because of you being my chief cornerstone. Thank you for being my foundation. Lord you are beautiful in wisdom and strength.
You give perfect security to all those who are yours in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for creating in me a desire to know you.
Lord i want to lay hold on eternal life. Teach me Lord how to become wise and depend on you my solid rock to keep me secure. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for caring for my soul.
Lord you are so precious to me. A precious corner stone, a sure foundation. Thank you for your comfort, hope and strength and your constant abiding with me. You are so reassuring to me of your nearness and caring ways. I love you Jesus. Thank you for showing kindness to me and my family. You are so merciful. Through ups and downs you have always been there. You can be counted on to be the chief cornerstone of my salvation.
Lord i so glad that you have spoken in your word to me that i have your seal on me and that you are aware of that i go through. That i am one of yours is so comforting. Praise be the Lord i am one of those that have your seal upon me. Thank you for your goodness.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Lord Jesus,
Thank you for carefully planning in becoming my bridegroom
I can't imagine the thrill that you have planned from all eternity. Thank you for opening my eyes to see a tiny drop of all that is to come. There is so much to learn about so much regarding eternal times. Such as, i can't wait to be sitted at the marriage feast. I am so humbled to know i will be there and you will announce my name and actually come and sit me around the marriage of the Lamb.
Thank you for allowing my ears to listen to the sounds of your coming! Thank you for preparing me for that day. Teach me to stay alert. To listen to your word and to know your voice.
Thank you for opening the eyes of my heart to respond in love to you. Thank you for all you do in preparing me. I am so grateful.
Thank you for calling me out to be your bride. I feel as those i know you more than i know myself. You are on my thoughts day and night. I cannot wait till i see you and touch you as the disciples did. I want to worship you as they did holding on to eternal life.
Teach me your divine instructions, helping me to stay on track. Thank you for showing me the way. You are the way, truth and life.
Lord teach me to be wise and not taken in by the world's thinking. Help me to keep in step with your direction which is for better. Give me a heart of contentment and help me to keep on knowing that you are my bridegroom and i have much to do here and to not let anyone or anything steal my joy and peace in you.
Help me not to listen to those who do not know you as their bridegroom.
Thank you for blessing me with the Holy Spirit of God. Thank you for new blessings each day.
Thank you for filling me with your joy and contentment.
Lord Jesus thank you for leading me to eternal life. A little yesterday to add to today and more of you tomorrow. I am so blessed. Thank you for your tender direction each day. You are the source of all my joy and contentment. I praise all of you Lord Jesus with all my innermost being.
Thank you for teaching me how to recognize good fruit from bad fruit in the kingdom.
Thank you for teaching me how to examine carefully what is said and what isn't said.
Thank you for you yourself bearing witness unto the truth.
Thank you for bringing light into my life and shinning so brightly in my heart and mind. I love you so much for so much you do for me.
You are the mighty bridegroom. You are beautful Lord and sometime i will get to see you as you really are. Make me ready Lord.
Thank you for the day that you came to me, standing at the door of my heart and
knocking and i opened the door and heard your voice and said come in and you are still here teaching me to feast on today and preparing me for the marriage of the Lamb. I can't wait. Glory to the bridegroom knock!
Lord i hear the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Blessed be the Bridegroom, Come.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Holy Father,
I give you thanks for the bread of life. Your beloved Son. Thank you for providing for all i need to live out the life that brings glory and praise to you. Thank you for seeing to it that i am fed the bread of life so i can stay strong in living out the life that fulfills your will for my life. Thank you that i have been fed by your hand Father. How gracious you have been to me. I praise you bread of life.
Thank you for Jesus coming so i could know what true life is all about. Without you the bread of life i would be living in darkness here and later in outer darkness forever. Thank you that you are the Light of life and that you have given this life that is in your Son. Praise his name forever the bread of life!
Lord Jesus each day may i receive from your hand a fresh word from you to keep me in fellowship with you. I enjoy your company so very much. You mean so much to my life. Words come never come close to who you are and what you are and how you are. You are ALL. Without you my life would be empty, but with you my life soars. You are so Eternal and praiseworthy. You have touch my life and i lovingly worship and sing for joy songs to you. You are my joy and peace, my delight. You are my Comforter, my beloved.
Thank you for your blessings and for watching over my life. Thank you for delighting my soul every single day.
Forgive me Lord when i feed upon trash. On unwholesome things of the world and ignore you the living bread of life.
Lord i don't want to live a empty void life. Please fill me with your Spirit so that i can walk in your Spirit and live a fulfilled and wonderful life in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for your faithfully providing my daily bread each day. I offer you everything in myself so that you blessings can continue to strengthen and uphold me. Praise the name of God, bread of life.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Father today i am rejoicing with you that you are delighting in giving to us the true bread from heaven.Father, thank you for Your beloved Son. Your Holiest treasure.
Jesus thank you for coming down from heaven and being the true bread of life. Thank you for giving your sinless, blameless, righteous and holy godly life for my ungodly life. Thank you for granting me forgiveness of my sins forever more.
Lord, i give you praise for being the bread of salvation.
Jesus you are the bread of life. May you fill me with your spirit so i can partake of eating the bread of life everyday of my life and on and on forever more.
Thank you for satisfying my soul with your presence and comforting me when i am sad. Thank you for filling me with your love and peace. Thank you for holy grace and thank you for changing my life and all that i am and do. I am so grateful for your tender touches and direction to help me on a daily basic. You are so very faithful. I am glad you never change. That you are always faithful. That we can know your ways, that they are true.
Thank you for puttting inside of me a hunger for truth and righteousness. A desire to know you with all my heart, mind, soul and strength. Yes to fill me with your righteousness and love is my delight. May you be delighted in me.
Thank you for being the way, truth and life. I praise you eternal Jesus for eternal life forever more.
Thank you for caring about all our needs and providing everything we need to live a godly life. Thank you for being my bread of life.
Thank you that you came to redeem our lives so that we can have a good life and know what it is to live a life full to OVERFLOWING. How wonderful you are. Thank you that you have come to give us life and to show us compassion. Thank you for being there for us to comfort us when we are tired and about to give up. Thank you for dropping in and staying a spell. You are everlasting God. King of kings and Lord of lords. Praise your awesome love.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


My Father forever praise be to you. You are the ruler over all. Your name is Branch. You are my salvation. Thank you for coming and living on earth and fulfilling the words in scripture relating to you being our branch. Thank you for bringing peace and confidence through your work you are doing in our lives.
You are the one who is blessed forever more. Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise you my blessed one.
Thank you for clothing me with your righteousness Lord Jesus and thank you for being my branch of salvation and making me fruitful in my service to you.
Thank you that i belong to you the branch.
Thank you for producing rich fruit in my life and where i am seeing a harvest overflowing in my life and work.
Thank you for restoring my life Lord Jesus in all your Majestic glory!
Thank you for loving me and caring for me Lord Jesus.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Blessed and only ruler i praise you today for your faithfulness in all your ways.
Thank you for helping me to keep my eyes on you great blessed one. Through your tender guidance i am able to walk by your Spirit and so be led by Him.
Thank you for blessing me from heaven above and coming down and giving me new life with new perspectives. I glory in your goodness and power. Praise your strength and wisdom and in all things you do, truly you are a wonderful and gracious loving God.
Thank you for blessing me with the fruit of your Spirit which overflow in my life as i serve others. Thank you for teaching me how to love others as you do.
Blessed is the Holy One who does all this and more!
Thank you for the comfort and peace i receive from your hand each and every day.
Blessed holy one i seek your face and humble myself before you seeking the way you would have me to be and to live. Glory to the answers that come from your lips.You are beautiful Lord.
May your blessed rule be in the center of all i do in the name of the Lord.
Blessed God you alone desire all my praises for it is you alone who accomplishes amazing things in my life. Thank you so much for your most wonderful works of wonder that you are please to do in my life. Teach me to stay in your Presence.
Lord teach me to be a blessing to those who you send to me.
Strengthen me to serve you with all my heart, mind, spirit and soul for i desire to worship you with my entire being and to know you as a friend knows a friend. I want to know what you think about my life, my work, my character, my life situations, my outlook and my countenance because if your not happy i'm not happy for sure. I want to make you smile and be happy with me. I want to love you.
May you Sovereign God be blessed forever more.
Please help me to be fruitful and prune my sin when needed and then use me Lord to honor you.
Thank you for blessing my life and sharing yourself with me. I love you my Father.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Praise be to you Blessed God for you are the author of eternal life to all who obey you. Praise Your power and your kingdom majestic God.
Salvation and glory and power belong to you my God.
I praise you Lord Jesus in my life. You are indeed clothes in majestic glory and splendor. Thank you for opening my eyes to see your salvation in all its glory. Thank you for the knowledge of salvation, through the forgiveness of my sins.
Thank you for the grace of God that brought salvation to me.
I joyfully praise you and seek you with all my inner being. Thank you for being the source of new life. Thank you for providing me with strength and protecting me; Thank you for being all i need for supplying every need i have i glory in you.
Thank you for protecting me in times of trouble. Thank you for being my helper.
Thank you for your protective shield; and Thank you for your willingness to help enable me to prevail.
You are praiseworthy! The God who delivers me is the Exalted King.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I get so excited Lord when i think of your authority over all mankind.
You have all authority over all humanity and i know you. You are with me, in me and above me you are just to wonderful. Thank you for loving me and blessing me. I praise and worship you holy Jesus.
You are head over every ruler and authority.
I praise you for your authority over my overall being. Praise you ever-lasting King of kings. Your authority and power works so beautifully in my life situations. Thank you for caring for me and loving me with an everlasting love.
I praise your help you give me in my daily service and the words of authority you are teaching me in all wisdom. Glory to your eternal righteousness. Glory to your power and might!
May your power rest upon me as i live out my life in total surrender to you most holy God. Thank you for eternal life forever more, how gracious you are in all your work and all your eternal wisdom and knowledge.
Thank you for your tender mercies that leads to living a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. I praise you for being my eternal God.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Lord Jesus You are the Author and perfector of my faith. Would you please strengthen me to keep my eyes fixed on you Lord Jesus? For it is You alone that i look to for strength to live in accordance with your will for my life. Help me to be as you were full of joy and with a settled mind. Fill me with your fullness of peace and joy. Give me a heart of Jesus that knew where his strength came from.
Help me to live for you Jesus.
You alone are the just and holy One. I know you are the trustworthy One who is always reliable and faithful. I need your guidance everyday so i can stand firm while you are perfecting my faith. Help me to bear mature fruit as you increase my faith each day.
Lord you are my Rock. Keep me strong as i demonstrate a wholehearted devotion to you each day. Help me to follow all your rules and to obey all your commandments as you perfect my faith.
To the only God our Savior through Jesus Christ my Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority, before all time, and now, and for all eternity. Amen.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Lord Jesus You are the Preeminent glorious One.
Your Word says we are partners in a heavenly calling, and we are to take notice of Jesus, the Apostle and high priest in whom we are confessing. I give you Praise God of all grace for calling us into your eternal glory.
May you strengtnen and settle us in our heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.
I confess Lord Jesus you are the forever faithful eternal glorious One.
You are the transcendent One. Thank you for the blessings i now have because of the new dispensation, compared with those of the Old Testament.
Lord Jesus you are above all, Your Word says that you are the One who came from heaven. Thank you for representing us before God and helping us to learn to hold fast to your teachings.
You are Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.
You are the Eternal One.
You are the Exalted One.
You have been given a name which is above every name.
You are the worthy Lamb that was slain for my sins.
You are the One who has all power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.
You are my Apostle and high priest. Praise God!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Holy One of God when you offered your sinless body once for all as a sacrifice to God for our sins you then made it possible for all mankind to choose to be made holy through his blood atonement. You are The Holy Anointed One who saves. Thank you for the grace and peace we now have from the Father and from you Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you that we can now have the anointing oil of your Holy Spirit filling us with your holiness and righteousness.
May you display in our lives such humility and contrition that others might come to know you.
May you fill your servants with boldness to witness to the truth.
May you strengthen your people to speak with your authority. May you anointing teach us how we are to live the life of godliness.
Lord i praise you that you have said that you are sufficient for our every need. That your grace is sufficient because you are the Sufficient One. Praise your everlasting name.May the power of Christ anointing rest upon us.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Lord Jesus, You are the One who announces the end from the beginning and reveals beforehand what has not yet occurred, who says, My plan will be realized, I will accomplish what i desire. For you are the Sovereign LORD who rides through the sky from ancient times!
Lord help me as i look up in praise at your beautiful face to see you sitting on your throne holy One. Your throne is a burning fire where thousands ministered unto you, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before you; your judgments have been set, and the books will be opened. I cannot wait to hear your awesome voice speaking to me. Welcome to your new home.
Lord thank you for giving me a taste of you in my heart so i can behold the one who will be coming back. And i know that in your timing you will be given dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve you; your dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and your kingdom will not be destroyed. Glory to God. May you be exalted and lifted up high Ancient of Days. I want to be around your throne worshiping you with the holy angels.
Lord set my mind on eternity. Help me to seek you by prayer and a humble heart that is contrite. Forgive me for not seeing you as you really are Majesty God. You are so faithful and i am not but i do seek to be a loyal subject of yours. Help me to love you with all my heart, mind, and strength. Help my thoughts be on you throughout the day and night. Help me to give my all to you worthy God. Give me courage as i live out my walk of faith. Help me to be bold. Teach me your truths and your ways holy God. You are the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love you, and who desires to keep your commandments. Help me to be obedience and not to forsake you. Help me not to depart from your precepts. Thank you for helping me each day to live to honor you.
I praise you for your mercies and forgiveness each day as i repent and confess my unrighteousness, my unholiness. Thank you for loving me with holy love. I worship you Ancient of days. You are my God and i worship you above all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Lord Jesus you are from eternity.
You are completely and totally whole. You are Alpha and Omega. Thank you for revealing to me some thoughts about your awesome timeless personhood.
You are without beginning in the past or end in the future.
I cannot wait to pass through heavens doors and see endless days of glory forever. I can't wait to have uninterrupted times with you. Unending days to worship in awe of who you really are. Praise your glorious name Alpha and Omega.
As i pass through my days here please keep my eyes focus on what you are storing up for all eternity for me. Thank you for loving me and thinking about ways to bring everlasting joy to me.
You have delighted me from the earliest years of my life and i find more joy in you everyday, every moment i am anticipating being with you in my new home in heaven.
I don't know what it will look like in heaven, but i do know i will recognize you as the Holy One of God. I can't wait to see your smile on your face as you look at me and speak such caring words of comfort and love. Oh what a holy day that will be and for all eternity i will see your smile upon your face and your love for me. Thank you holy and wonderful God. Thank you for holy happiness and holy joy that will be mind forever and ever.
May your kingdom of glory enlighten my eyes and heart my Alpha and Omega.

Monday, October 13, 2008


All praise be to you Lord Jesus!
Jesus you are all things to all people. Whatever we need you to be you have all the ability to be. We need you to be Above All of our problems, worries, doubts, fears and sins. We need you to help us when we are sick and need you to be our healer. We need you to be our captain, our champion, our strength, our helper, our comfort and our encourager when we find we are without strength and cannot go on. We need you to be our all when we are restless and weary. We need you to be our stronghold when we are stuck in sin. We need you to rescue us from the fiery trials. We bless you with all our hearts for being above all of our circumstances and for coming to change our lives to be like your Son's image. We praise you with all our hearts.
Lord Jesus thank you for having your hands all over my life, my work, my character, my health, my joys and sorrows for all things...
Lord you are the Overcomer, who overcomes all by the power of Your life.
You are the Source of All.
One God and Father of All, who is over all and through all and in all.
You are the One who forgives all of our sins, who heals all our diseases.
Lord Jesus help me to bear all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endure all things.
Lord Jesus help me to love you with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength.
Lord Jesus help me to get rid of all evil and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.
May You my Lord be near to all who cry out to you in truth.
Lord Jesus may we with all the heavenly assembly praise you for all you have done.
Let all the peoples praise him!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Lord Jesus,
Long ago it was prophesized you would lived in Nazareth and be called a Nazarene.
You came and dwelt in Nazareth that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.
Many wonder who is this? And the nultitude said, this is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. Today many are still seeking and asking who is Jesus?
He is the Holy One of God, who gives peace of mind and heart for those who come to him. He is the Amazing God doing wonders. He is the RESURRECTED CHRIST. He was crucified; he is risen; he is not here: he is in heaven sitting on the right hand of God as prophet, priest and KING. He has taken his Exalted position!
Thank you Jesus for coming to earth and bringing salvation with you. You have become my salvation. I praise your holiness. Thank you that i can know who you are. You have shown your identity through your Word. Truly you are the Son of God. Thank you.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Blessed Jesus,
You are my banner. I look up to you and i see your beautiful banner of love,banner of goodness, banner of faith, banner of kindness, banner of mercy, banner of joy, banner of peace, banner of longsuffering, banner of purity, banner of gentleness, banner of meekness, banner of temperance and banner of self-control. Lord so much more. You are full of the banner of humility and the banner of patience. Teach me as i rally under your banner. I offer you myself, my work, my character, my life issues, my outlook, my hopes and dreams and so much more. All to the glory of God. You are Jesus, my Savior, my deliver, my salvation. YOU are God.
You dress me in beautiful spiritual clothing all for your glory. I don't understand it but i know you love me, because you are full of love.
Thank you for keeping me safe under your banner. I know if you had not come looking for me i would not have been found. You are my beautiful and wonderful banner of love. Thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for giving me faith to love you with an everlasting love.
Fill me with your righteousness so i will know how to live under your banner of rigteousness.
Give me your wisdom and understanding so i can look to your banner of knowledge and know how to build a life that honors you and brings you great glory great and awesome God.
Keep my eyes focused on your holy banner of salvation, so i will stay true to you and in so doing honor you with my life. Sovereign LORD thank you for the cross that reminds me of who you are and all you have done for me and are doing for me.
You are worthy of my love and devotion. I praise you my banner of salvation. Praise you beautiful Lord.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


My Father you are my very great reward and i cherish you. I love to spend time with you and you have rewarded me a thousand times over. I love to go walking with you, praising and exalting you as i go. I love to go over your names, titles and descriptions as i chat with you. I have come to know you intimately. I have come to love you with an everlasting love. You are my Father.
I thank you for you having brought me into your kingdom. I have enter through the door of salvation through your BELOVED SON. What a beautiful kingdom you have given me to live in. There is so much my heart desires to know about your kingdom. I want to give myself to your kingdom's work. For you have given me new life and you are the Source of my new life in your kingdom. Show me how to live in your kingdom.
Teach me kingdom rules. Be my guide. Lead me.
Forgive me when i find myself drifting from your kingdom. Thank you that you always have a plan to help me find my way back. How wonderful and gracious you are.
Fill me with your ways and strengthen my kingdom walk. Encourage me to walk in your truth. Take me into your confidence and help me to trust you with everything knowing you are a very great rewarder.
I know that your plans for me are great and that you do mighty deeds. You see everything we do. You reward each of us by what you see. Teach me to feed upon you and to think about you and to read about you and write about you. Teach me how to respond in truth. Your plans are very intricate.
You are so faithful to me every day. Forgive me for my unfaithfulness to you and mold and shape me to resemble the image of your beloved Son.
You are the great, mighty, and awesome God. Thank you that you are unabiased and you take no bribes. I worship you holy righteous One.
Thank you for extending your great loyal love to me. Thank you for rewarding my efforts. I praise you Father and i know you see in secret, and you reward us by what you see. Glory and praise forever to my Father. In Jesus sinless name i pray amen.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Forever Praise be to you Almighty Father
I praise you for being my Abba Father.
I praise you for being my Advocate.
I praise you for being my All-Powerful God.
I praise you for being may Alpha and Omega.
I praise you for being my Amazing God.
I praise you for being my Anchor of my soul.
I praise you for being the Anointed One.
I praise you for being the Apostle and High Priest.
I praise you for being the Author and Perfecter of my faith.
I praise you for being the Awesome God.
O LORD, the heavens praise your amazing deeds, as well as your faithfulness in the angelic assembly. As for me, i will wait continually, and will continue to praise you.
You are holy; you sit as King receiving our praises. So i will give you thanks and sing praises to you! Everyday i will praise you! I will praise your name continually! All praise to your great and awesome name! Help me to praise you more and more for all you do my beautiful Lord for me.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Eternal Father,
Your glory is revealed through your names. And they are teaching me that your power is fully sufficient for my entire life. As i think about your powerful names my life seems to have more purpose. There is now passion to know all i can about this God who i am worshiping. As a result i'm seeing big changes in the way i live and that my relationships are richer and fuller . The more i think about your names the more i grow. The more i study your Word the more i know about your names. The more i know about your names the more you use me. The more you use me the more i pray to you to use me.
My faith has increased because of the glory of your names and your Word. My prayer life is now all about who you are in relationship to your names.
Thank you for teaching me to know your names because now i automatically trust you and have you so much infiltrated in my thinking that i automatically drop on my knees and look up and pray to you without blinking an eye. You have truly done a work in me that is beyond my imagination and i give you all the glory.
Thank you for being the answer to my life's issues. I am learning to go to the master counselor receiving his help and giving me his wisdom and understanding to know how to live in godliness and walk in truth. Thank you for the lessons in life your teaching me so i can obey all you desire of me in serving you and worshiping you.
I also am grateful that you are my glory and joy!
May your splendor cover the whole earth.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Beautiful Lord,
I praise you for guiding me in my christian walk.
I marvel that you are quietly and tenderly leading me as i take a step of faith.
Thank you for showing to me that you are a tender God. That you care for me. That you want to bless me. That you want me to find love. Welcome Lord into my self. I adore you. Come in all your glory and help me to serve you and worship you.
Beautiful Lord thank you for loving me with deep affection.
You know every thought i am feeling as i type what i am typing so Father i want to know you so much deeper. Actually i want to delight you by a deeper commitment to you. So would you give me a make over? You made me because you desire me to love you in a way where i would find joy and happiness. I want that with a holy passion.
I need to know more about how to love as Jesus did. He spent time with you in prayer. He went to you when he was full of anxiety before the cross. I too will need to know your word as he did. I am doing these things Father to the best of my ability by the strength you give me each day. Now Jesus went about filled with the Spirit guidance. I too have the Spirit guiding me. But Jesus never sinned. I often grieved you. Forgive me faithful God. I praise your mercy.
I am eager to learn; teach me Father. Please build love in me. I need you to put in me your love and your ways so that i will be walking in your righteousness. I GLORY in your name.
I can't wait to see what i will look like when you rearrange my countenance. I know i will resemble your beloved Son. Thank you Holy Father.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Holy Father, You always make me feel so at home with you. Thank you. I rejoice that you are my God and that you actually walk with me throughout the day. I'm excited when i step outside to get ready for my prayer walking and there you are waiting for me. Taking me by my hand and showing me the way that you desire me to be lead. I love to be with you and just hang out. Thank you for being with me on my walks. You bring so much joy to my soul as i begin to think of your greatness and power. Thank you for these holy walks that clearly keep me focus on you being my God and how you would want me to live out my life. Praise you God! The things that come to my mind on these walks clearly clears mind to know your will for my life.
Today as i was walking i realize how faithful you are to keep your covenant of love with your servants. I recognize that there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth below that would be like you are the faithful God. It is you who maintains covenantal loyalty to your servants that obey you with sincerity. What a amazing God you are!
You know all about me so please keep me loyal to you and help me to choose to obey you at all times, especially when times are hard. Keep me soft and pliable and take away from me any desire that is not of you. I want to have a healthy respect for you.
I praise you O LORD God of heaven, great and awesome God. It amazes me how you care for me and show affection to me. Who in the world am i that you share so much love with? Holy, holy God praise you in all your holiness for loving me! Thank you for your love and attention. How awesome you are! I know you desire to bless my life i just know it and i see it, thank you. You are the one who renews newness of life in me... Thank you for changing me and transforming my life. I love you dear Father. Love Sue

Thursday, October 2, 2008


My gracious Father, You know us all by name and you know our addresses. You made us.
You love all you have made. I'm so glad you made me and that you are my faithful judge. You judge my thoughts righteously and you are always fair and true and gracious to me. Thank you.
Thank you for correcting me when i need it. Thank you that when my thoughts are not right that you are not far from me and invite me to come for a little walk alongside you. On these walks wisdom perks up and i find direction for what is bothering me. I thank you for your compassion and love to help me in issues that threatened to make me sin but by looking up to you no matter what i'm feeling and desiring i find you bringing light to me. Thank you. Forgive me when i am so selfish and become so hard-hearted. Fill me with your love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, faith, goodness, and self-control. Fill me with your wisdom and righteousness and truth. Give me understanding and help me to walk with you in my mind and heart. May you guide me to always be true and humble before you and others.
Lord you rule over all, and you are a just Judge! You examine people's hearts and minds. You test us and prove to us what we are really like. I'm glad you have your hands all over my heart and mind, my life issues, my outlook, and my countenance. I praise you who judges righteously and the one who is testing my heart and mind.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Great God,
I'm so glad you are the one who listens to my heart cries and that you do answer my prayers. You are so good to me so very wonderful. Thank you for helping me. I praise you in worship for your unfailing love and support.
Thank you for guiding me and helping me as i start my day each day and throughout the day as i relate to others and thank you for helping me see your perspective in so many areas of my life when involved in the lives of others. One thing I do know is that it is not me coming up with the knowledge to respond in the way you are having me to respond. I see your hand involved in my life in a big way. Thank you. I give you the glory and praise. i would never think the way you show me how to see things. You make me so special in your eyes. I love you so much for caring for me and sharing your life with me. I am grateful and will continue to seek you for understanding and wisdom for you are the one who gives me the wisdom and knowledge that i need.
Thank you for listening to my prayers and answering them in the way you do.
Thank you for our friendship.
I am learning from you so much from our times that we have together. You have become my special friend that i can rely on and i find in you all i need. Thank you for strengthening my faith and heart and being my God. I love you, Father.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My True God, you are the Lord GOD, the All-Powerful, and your judgments are true and just! You are the only true God. You are the living God and the everlasting King.
Your words are true. All things you speak are true. Help me to think before i speak and double check my speech whenever i speak so that my words would represent you in godliness and holiness.
Help me to think about those things that are pure and lovely so that my mind stays focus on what is true.
You are the truth, the way and the life. And i want to live in such a way that your life is revealed in me transforming me into the image of your holy beloved Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving me insight to know you the true God. Thank you that i am in you who is the true God. Thank you that i am safe and secure in your Son Jesus Christ. You are the true God and eternal life. Thank you for teaching me how to live in your truth. Lord i know that you are the true God. You are the living God and the everlasting King.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


All-Powerful God you are my source of strength. No one can match your holy strength. I praise and worship you in all your majesty and glory. How awesome you are mighty God. You keep me strong through your power and might. I reverence you All-Powerful God. Your Omnipotence is so overpowering and glorious that it causes me to fear you greatly. You are so great and mighty and your works of wonder are so wonderful. You are so holy, so awesome and you are to be greatly praise forever. I cannot wait to see you! I just want to feel you, to touch you and to LOVE YOU. Praise be to your holiness.
Thank you for guiding my mind and heart helping me to understand completely that it is you who gives me the power and strength to live the holy christian life.
Praise and glory to you Mighty God.
Thank you for giving me strength when i am weak and powerless and afraid.
You are my Source of strength. I will sing praises to you1 For it is you who is my refuge, the God who loves me. How blessed i am to find in You my strength to live a holy life. You are Almighty God.
When i pray for help, you always answer me. I will worship you Almighty God. You have made me bold and you have energized me. My heart will rejoice in you and i am happy; my life is safe. I want to do things for you your way and in your strength teach me Almighty God. I know that Your ways always builds myself and others up. Guide me in your strength because i want to do what pleases you, my God. May Your law dominate my thoughts. May you examine me, and probe my thoughts! Guide me and make me wise; and train my heart to follow only you.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Forever praise be to You, Beautiful spring of living water. You are like the garden of paradise with fountains and springs and you offer free of charge your precious eternal living water. I received it in your abundance and enjoy it every day. To me every moment in holy when my eyes behold you most beautiful Lord.
You describe yourself as a spring of living water. You have certainty got my attention. I will be like Moses i will draw near and behold you beautiful Lord. May you transform my heart to resemble the likeness of your Son that i reflect you as the awesome God. May the eyes of my heart yearn to catch glimpses of your holy paradise. I want to see the fountains flowing the springs bubbling up in paradise. I want to be there. Be there with you.
Lord you are a garden spring, a well of fresh water. You are beautiful Lord.
Thank you for inviting me into your garden. Thank you for pouring your love into my life because i don't have that kind of love. Pure love. So thank you for pouring fresh water into my thirsty soul. You are so amazing God.
I remember reading in the New Testament where you stop to rest at Jabob's well and a woman approached you who was known as not so nice. But you the beloved Son of God loved her and ended up giving her living water where she would never thirst again. How glorious you.
Thank you for being the Spring of living water overflowing in my life.
Thank you for purifying my soul and cleanses and washing me into a clean vessel for your holy purposes.
You are my fountain of Living Water. I cherish you.
May forever praise be given to you. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. You have said to the one who is thirsty you will give water free of charge from the spring of the water of life. So be it Blessed Lord Amen.

Friday, September 26, 2008


You are my rock. My Savior. You are my refuge.
I give you the glory for revealing to me who you are and what that really means to me, for me. Thank you for showing me how to become the person that i am to be through you being my rock and my refuge.
I see if you are, my rock, then i will be strong, firm,healthy,useful,not easily distracted. I want that. I need that. I need you to be my ROCK.
I also see all along it has been there before my closed eyes but i never paid attention to it in a way that could help me to live out your plans for my life. You also said i can take refuge in you. How? What comes to my mind is bringing to you the things I'm worried about and asking you for counsel concerning these worries. All of this will bring me security,if you are my refuge.
Lord you are my rock in whom I'm going to take refuge in. Thank you for being faithful to me. You said if i will seek you with all my heart you will be found. Thank you for teaching me things far more abundantly than i could have ever imagine.
I'm learning your ways protect me and i find strength when i follow you as a rock and refuge. When i go my way my mind depends on me. No good!
Thank you for releasing your power and strength in my life so i can serve you and be useful to you.
You are just too wonderful.
Thank you for giving me wisdom to deal with what comes my way in a way that honors you.
I praise you for your ability to pull strongholds out of my way and for making me into a clean vessel.
I praise you for being my rock in whom i take refuge in real life.
I worship you mighty God for you are my stronghold, my refuge, and my deliverer, my shield and the one in whom i take shelter, who makes nations submit to you.
You are my strong protector and refuge, a stronghold where i am safe!
The LORD is good indeed you are my fortress in times of distress and you protect those who seek refuge in you.
Holy Lord my rock and refuge shield me today as i go about the day. Shield my mind and my thoughts. Make me a vessel that you can use. LOVE YOU. SUE

Thursday, September 25, 2008


THE Potter.
How will i respond to my Potter? Well the first thing i really want to know is how can He keep me yielded and focused so i don't slide off that potter's wheel. Well he is All-Powerful he knows the answer and my motives so i have ask him to keep me on that potter's wheel because i desire to be useful to the Master and be his special vessel that he desires me to be.
What is God like as my potter? I will go to him and ask him. He says I am his holy and beloved child and he wants me to trust him so that he is in full control. He has assured me this is a lifetime process and that he is committed to follow through to the end of my life. So i might as well sit back. I know he is going to show me how to stay on that potter's wheel. He has given me instructions in his holy word. I need to develop and cultivate discipline or whatever he shows me. I know i will certainly need to rely on him for his help as he begins to work on those sore spots! Ouch!
I have ask God to open my eyes to help me see him as the good potter who is working in those areas of my life that are soiled that needs his touches. May i not get discouraged as he works on those spots. May his Spirit guide me along as he works to bring completion to my life. I know i am his beloved and that he will give me his strength and power to stay pliable in his hands. May he filled me with his thoughts as he begins to work and may i not argue with him.
May he clothes me with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience while i'm on that potter's wheel.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Holy Father,
Lord, You are Yahweh, Jehovah Lord God, the self-existent I AM!
Show me how to live in a way that will honor you. Fill me with your glory!
You deserve all my praise for you alone do amazing things. Thank you for transforming my heart giving me a desire to serve and love you. Enlarge my heart to love you more and more. Do far more abundantly beyond my thinking so that you will be magnified in my life for your holy reasons.
Thank you for teaching me how to live and walk with you.You are my first desire in the morning when i awaken. You have given me new desires that just blows my mind, because i feel your holy love upon me. I know your watching me as i wake up. I eagerly desire to get down on my knees and worship you because i know you have plans for me today and i could easily miss those blessings and i don't won't to. I need your blessings. Thank you for being a continuous blessing to me. Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty.
You indeed have done marvelous things for me and you actually All-Powerful God desire to teach me more. I praise you for all the attention you are giving me so i can grow even when it is painful as you work and transform my outlook and countenance and give me an overhaul. I see how wise you are in your wonderful wisdom. Oh how i wish i had known you way back then.... Thank you for opening my eyes and heart so i can know you. I'm so excited about you that i could just burst. Bring it on Lord. Let your life reveal wonderful personal things to me. I desire to do your will not because i have to or must but oh yeah, because you love me that's why! And I love it! You are so comforting and so encouraging.
You have said in your holy word that we are to love you with all our hearts,minds, strength and soul. So I offer myself as a living sacrifice wanting you to look me over and search my being because i know you love and accept me i am not afraid nor do i feel you will make me do anything. Thank you for given us choices to obey you or not. Whatever you show me i know you will help me with. I love you.
My heart overflows with many thanks to you who comes along beside me leading me in the way i should go. Thank you for being so ready and willing to fill me with your truths. Thank you for my permanent security in you. You are my anchor of my soul. Glory to you, my only wise God.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


My holy sustainer.
I marvel that You are the One who sustains me when i am down. You are the one who delights to lift me up and to strengthen me. Thank you for holding me up when i am fearful. Thank you for calming me and helping me to know that you are in full control.
You are my deliverer! And i praise you for your support when i am weak.
You wake me up every morning. I am on your mind and you are ready and willing to bless me with the plans for today. I give you the glory for watching over me and protecting my mind and thoughts throughout the day.
Thank you for your encouragement throughout my day. Thank you for your protective shield that encircles me as i walk in your ways.
Thank you for supporting me with your righteous right hand.
Thank you for your willingness to help me to prevail in all i do.
Thank you for being my sustainer.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Majestic Father,
I worship your majesty. You are clothes with beautiful splendor and i worship you.
You are enthroned in the midst of the angelic hosts of heaven. You are all-holy. You are the Most High Majestic God. Your throne is like the days of heaven, unending.
You place your royal majesty upon the heavens where you rule and where you speak to your mighty angels. The glory of your majesty is radiant and breath taking and brighter than the sun. Glory to your name majestic God in heaven.
You dwell in the highest heaven. Your heavenly host are at your disposal, and nothing in heaven or on earth can shatter your eternal plans you have established.
You are in heaven and you are undertaking your work here on earth.
You are the amazing God of heaven and earth.
Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the Highest. You are our Savior our glorious deliverer. Praise you Jesus. Prince of peace.
Let us praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his majesty extends over the earth and sky.
Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.
Majestic splendor emanates from him, he is the source of strength and joy.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


My Majestic glory your voice is speaking powerfully to me today. Your voice is full of majesty and glory.
Your majestic glory is great, powerful, glorious and victorious, for all that is in heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. You are worthy of being glorified and exalted and you alone. You own all that there is. I praise and exalt you and lift up praises to you holy one of God.
The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself; the world is also stablished, that it cannot be moved. You are Omnipotence All Powerful God.
Honor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. You are worthy of all praise majestic glory.
LORD You are the high and lofty One which inhabiteth eternity. Your name is Holy. You have said that you dwell in the high and holy place, but if we will repent and turn to you then you will revive our spirits. May we have a humble spirit everyday LORD OF GLORY. LORD revive my heart helping me to make sure it is of a contrite heart. I will wait knowing you are true to your word. You are trustworthy and faithful always. I praise you awesome majestic glory.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Glory to God today i get to spotlight you as my living Father.
My Father i praise you and thank you for being the Source of my new life in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for receiving me into your heart so i can be close to your heart beat knowing i'm your child and can find my security is in you and you alone. Oh yeah!!! Thank you for delighting my heart with your soothing words that brings me love and acceptance from your holy lips.
You make me feel so loved. I give you all the glory holy God for what you have done in my soul.
Because you are my living Father i now can receive security from you, my all trustworthy God.
Help me to stay secure in you.
Lord open my eyes so i can receive your blessings that you have waiting for me.
You have said Father that i am to let my light shine before others, so that they can see your good deeds and give you honor holy Father in heaven.
May you do amazing things in my life. Glory and praise to you my faithful and just God.

Friday, September 19, 2008


How exciting you are! I thirst to glean just a small drop of you, but i find you are inexhaustible. You are wonderful,glorious and so lively. So much of you overflows with joy that when i am fellowshiping with you that my soul weakens in holy delight. Maybe that is how Daniel felt in your presence. Glory!!! I honor you in praise for you are the great majestic God who is allowing me to taste and see that You, the Lord is good, great, and so wonderfully awesome. More than words, oh yeah, you are the Great God the Holy righteous One. I am so glad that i can know you and to know you are the just and the mighty One. You are mighty to save and so i worship you for saving me.
You are the powerful ruler of all.
I praise your holy deeds and mighty acts that you have displayed in my life and the life of so many others. Lord you are my majestic God. Everything you do is above and beyond splendor. I praise your awesome name mighty holy One. You have done great things in my life and i praise you for it. Thank you.
Sovereign LORD, You are the strong, and powerful One. Worthy of praise forever.
You are wise in heart and mighty in strength and I'm so glad i know you!
What can you not do? NOTHING!!!!
Your great plans are mighty. You see everything people do. You reward each of us for the way we live and for the things we do.
Praise the LORD, You angels of his, you powerful warriors who carry out his decrees and obey his orders.
He is the great I AM, the One who knows all truth.
You are the majestic king. The LORD who is strong and mighty! How great are your wonders! Your kingdom will last forever, and your authority continues from one generation to the next. You are the just and mighty One.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today I'm worshiping you because you are the great King above all kings.
You are all powerful, almighty, and above all and you are worthy of my total devotion every moment of the day and night.
You are worthy of my time, my worship, my life, my love and service, for i belong to you Most High King.
I pray you will reign as King in my innermost being every day, guiding, directing, leading, and affirming me as i serve you with the purest motives so that i can represent you as the great King above all gods.
You are superior to all gods.
You are certainly worthy of praise and honor and worship, for you are more awesome than all gods. For you, O LORD, are the Sovereign King over the whole earth; you are elevated high above all gods.
You are honored in the great angelic assembly, and more awesome than all who surround you.
You are the Sovereign LORD. You are awe-inspiring, you are the great King who rules the whole earth! You are above the sky, O God! May your splendor cover the whole earth as you reign on high!! May you reign in my life as i offer to you myself.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Holy Father today your teaching me about you being the One who saves me.
I know it is true in my soul. You alone!!! my salvation longs for throughout the days and throughout the nights. You alone satisfying my hunger, my longings, nothing else can fill that void. You put it there for all eternity and i praise you for doing so.
How many times you have gotten me out of messes i have created to my sorrow?....
Your loving kindnesses overwhelms me.
I praise your love for transforming me to the kingdom of light-the kingdom of heaven.....
Thank you for delivering me throughout my christian walk as it is today i see your hand still holding me up. Thank you.
You are so faithful to your promises to abundantly supply all our needs.
Thank you for your protection of me and for training me as i walk in your truth.
Thank you for granting me relief from my suffering so that i might have some relief. You are so good to me. Thank you for redeeming my soul, and life situations, and changing my heart,faithful God.
May your help come from heaven each day as i call out to you for deliverance,for you are worthy of all praise, honor and glory.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Holy Father, today i am excited and praise you because of knowing you the God of glory. Thank you for revealing to me your glory and holiness.
I cherish every thought you impress on my heart.
I hide your thoughts deep within my heart and mediate on those thoughts in the night seasons.
Because of your hand on my life i am a changed person. You have completely done a thorough job leading me in a new and holy direction. I have found in you the hope of glory. You are my glory and i can always find you in your throne room. You are the blessed one i have always looked for throughout my life.
You are my glory, my paradise! Your glory overshadows all of my life. You are the glory of God who radiates your holiness in all i do.
Thank you for being my light. I praise you with all my heart. Your ways always reveals your beautiful Son's glory.
As Mary and Hannah and so many others worshiped and glorified you, my heart sings to the glory of God. You Majestic Glory has worked so many wonderful and glorious deeds in my life.
May we all sing about the glory of the Lord's works that he does in our lives and in the lives of our love ones.
To him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Praise God for his salvation that he has provided in Christ Jesus!
Christ Jesus the hope of glory in us..

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Glorious Father,
Everyday when i open my eyes, your the first Person that is there in my thoughts. As i get out of bed. You are on my mind. The day would have no purpose if i thought for a moment you would not be there.
Glorious Father you know my innermost ways and you know that i cannot wait to be with you because you are so precious to me.
All you do is glorious. Thank you for training me to keep my eyes fasten on you.
Glorious and holy God, i notice when i do keep my eyes fastened on you amazing things occur because you have my full attention. You are able to bring my life where it needs to be. Boiling over in praise to you. Holy glorious God i worship you with excitement.
Thank you for being Presence with me Holy God of glory. May my life bring you holy joy as i fellowship in prayer with you and as i serve you. May you give all your servants spiritual wisdom and revelation as we seek your holy presence in our lives.
May you receive honor and glory as we bring you pure delight for you have become our Majestic and Glorious God.
LORD, You are seated on your glorious throne on high. Your door is always open. Thank you. Praise be to the glory of God who is so glorious.
Thank you for providing me with a place where i can find help in times of trouble, and thank you for where i can find in you joy and peace that spills over in all my relationships. Thank you.
You are my God and i sing praises of you my Majestic Father. I sing praises about you because your reputation is all powerful Almighty God. I give you honor and praise because you alone deserve all my praises throughout my life. I will focus on your honor and majestic splendor, and your amazing deeds. Glory to God!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Gracious Father,
You are the faithful God. Thank you for teaching me about your faithfulness.
Train me to use faithfulness as a way of life. May you strengthen my faith. Make me aware faithful God that you are with me helping me to be faithful to all your commands.
Increase my faith in your power faithful God so i can live a life of integrity.
Teach me to live by faith as i walk in your truths.
Faithful Father help me to be bold and confident in my testimony of all you are doing in my life. Help me to give others confident in you as they see the work you are doing in my life.
Lord i am sure of one thing and that is my hope in you and i am convinced you are faithful God.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today I have the privilege to be in the garden where you are at work in my life. May i be your delight as you look upon me and change my heart to be like your Son's. Just like Adam and Eve were your delight in your garden. They were the highlight of your works of wonder. Teach me to be the highlight of your day. Here i am Father, change my heart, my life situations, my outlook and my countenance. I don't need to hide from you as they had to because of their sin.
You have invited me into your garden to stay a while and fellowship with you and for you to show me how you would lead me and guide me in your holy ways. Thank you for washing and purifying me through your beloved Son, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
Lord you are the eternal gardener. Today i see you tenderly placing your hands all over my heart and my life. Thank you for new changes you have done in my heart and in my life. Thank you for the new challenges you are opening up in my life so i can become a beautiful work of your to glorify you. I am on holy ground when i am in fellowship with your Spirit.
Lord you are so wonderful to take time with me each and every day. Glory and praise to the Lord God Almighty.
Thank you for allowing me to come up close and observe your work in my life.
You are the Eternal gardener who prunes my sin so i will bear much fruit for your glory. I worship you eternal gardener of my soul.
Thank you for allowing me to be your child.

Friday, September 5, 2008


This morning you made me aware of your exalted position.
You are above all. You are the exalted God. I worship you exalted God.
Exalted God thank you for the privilege to move, exist and live for you.
May my lips declare to others your exalted ways and by the way i live and talk may others come closer to you and exalt you in their lives.
LORD when i pray, study and worship may you be exalted in my life and in the lives of others.
Lord you are God! You are exalted in your power; who is a teacher like you?
Lord you are alive! I pray that your spirit of all mankind would awaken us so that we would exalt the son of God in our lives. Be exalted Spirit of the Living God.
Lord you are the true and living God and i pray that your truth will be exalted.
Lord you are righteousness and i pray you will be exalted righteous Father.
Lord you are just. I pray that because you are just, fair, and right you will be exalted just God.
Lord you are eternal, and i pray that you will be exalted because you are the eternal God.
Lord you are faithful, and because you are faithful may you be exalted this day.
Lord you are holy, and may you be exalted because you are holy.
Lord you are King of kings, may you sat on the throne of my heart. May i exalt you in mylife as the King of kings.
Lord you are majestic, and may your majestic splendor be exalted this day in my life.
Lord you are the God of new life, and because you give new beginnings may you be exalted.
Lord you are the Overcomer. Because you are the overcomer, i pray that you be exalted in my life.
Lord you are my shield, and because you are shield, may you tend to my mind and thoughts so that i exalt you exalted God throughout my life.
Lord you are my tower. My high tower i exalt you for protecting me.
Lord you are my upholder. I exalt you for being my help. I cling to you; your right hand upholds me at all times.
Lord you are wonderful, and i exalt you for your work of wonders everyday.You are so wonderful.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Everlasting Father,
It is so wonderful to know you are forever everlasting. I cannot wait to be in your everlasting presence!
Your everlasting doors will always stay open so we can come near to be with you forevermore.
I can always have a everlasting relationship with you that is dear to my heart. A glorious time with my Saviour. You are so good to us holy God.
Your everlasting love will always exist. I will never be forsaken by you. The door to your love will always be open where i may enter. Never will it be close. Praise your love most holy God.
Your everlasting kindness will be always. I may enter through the door of kindness because it is open to all who have received his love. Praise your loving kindness!
Your everlasting joy will always be forevermore.
Your everlasting peace will be enjoyed by all of your saints. Praise the Prince of peace.
Your everlasting long suffering will be revealed before us forevermore. Praise your mercy holy God!
Your everlasting gentleness will be forever. Thank you for being gentle and meek with each of your saints.
Your everlasting goodness will be forever and ever. Glory to your name,holy Father.!
Your everlasting faithfulness is revealed to your saints. We bow! We bow! We bow low!!!!!
Your everlasting meekness is shown to all. Glory to your meekness holy God!
Your everlasting temperance is displayed to all and for all!
Everlasting God, may you be praised forevermore.
Everlasting God, even before the mountains came into existence, or you brought the world into being you were the eternal God.
LORD God help me to trust you forevermore. You are my enduring protector.
I praise your eternal salvation for all who are willing to receives it! Oh thank you God!
You are the only true God. You are the living God and the everlasting King.
You are my everlasting God my refuge, and underneath you are your eternal everlasting arms holding me up!
I praise your everlasting wisdom and understanding eternal God.
May my words and my thoughts today be in accordance with your will and acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my everlasting God.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Heavenly Father,
Today your fresh word to me is that you are a consuming fire.
Like the fire that burns down the forest, or the flames that consume the mountainsides, Your consuming fire always cleanses, renews, washes, and purifies our souls so we will be vessels of honor.
When you display your glorious fire we can know that we are setting on holy ground as you deal with our lives correcting us or instructing us. Lord help us to pay close attention to our lives and help us to be awake so we can smell your fire burning consuming our lives, one way or another. Sometimes in wrath and sometimes empowering your servants with the holy Spirit's direction as he pours out his fire all over us. May we have the spirit's fever burning inside of us, giving us the power and strength to move, exist and live for him. Consume me Lord to serve you.
Lord your flames scorches the wicked. For it is a fire that devours event to destruction. Surely those who you uproot will be destroyed.
Your Word says fire goes out from your holy presence LORD and consumes thoses who you send it to devour.
LORD I pray that your consuming fire would set me ablaze with holy fire from heaven. May your Holy Spirit empower and enable me to be your holy instrument GLORIOUS GOD.
I know i am on holy ground when you set me on fire through your Spirit of holiness.
LORD I pray that all your followers would seek your power and strength and that the name of the Lord would be magnified and that you would mightily go forth consuming your fire within those it is sent to. Lord i praise you for being a consuming fire.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Eternal God,
Today you have made me aware that you are the Eternal God.
Thank you for richly providing an entrance into your present all through the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior. And thank you for entrance into the eternal kingdom of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
May you, O LORD, reign forever in my inner most being!
May you Lord Jesus Christ yourself bring me eternal comfort and good hope as i trust in you for the outcome in my life whatever happens.
May you make me aware of the things you want me to change in my heart and mind. Help me to listen and obey you, eternal God.
Help me to trust in you Eternal God. May you Eternal God of all grace who has called me to your eternal glory in Christ, yourself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish me. TO God be the glory. I praise and worship you Eternal God.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Mighty Father,
You are the compassionate and gracious God.
Thank you for being so kind to show me your ways throughout my life. Thank you for being compassionate and gracious to me.
I am amazed at your love and compassion that you have shown to me. Thank you so much. I know it has not been because i have lived out a righteous life. Far from it. But i know somehow you placed in the back of my mind your deep compassionate ways, else how would i have known you were going to be my super glue, Jesus. You have brought me out and given me salvation. Glory to you Jesus for your great salvation. Thank you for putting up with my unloving ways and thinking. Thank you for bringing me to my senses.
I now desire above all else to learn all i can from you so i can be the person you can use for your glory. Here am i, Lord. You are the Potter i am the clay. Form whatever pleases you and use this vessel for your holy glory.
But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and merciful God. You are patient, and you demonstrate great loyal love and faithfulness.
The LORD is merciful and fair; You my God are compassionate.
LORD you do amazing things in all of our lives. So amazing that we will never ever forget. Praise to you for your wonderulful ways.
Thank you for being a God who will never reject his own children.
You may discipline us, but you never forsake us.
You are slow to anger and boundless in loyal love often relenting from calamitous punishment. All praise to your glory, Holy God.
Lord, you have taught me a wonderful truth that even in the darkest nights you provide a light to shine for the godly. Praise you for always being near. Being my Light of life. Glory to my, God.
Thank you for being a God of forgiveness, and thank you for not abandoning the works of your hands in my life. Thank you hearing my prayers of worship to you, Father.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Lord you are the Almighty God.
What can you not do? Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world. Thank you for your powerful love as the Almighty God.
You are pass my understanding those i love your ways, even so you are pure and full of holiness. You are God Almighty. I stand on holy ground glorying in you mighty God.
You know all things and will know all things forevermore, all that is is known by you! Therefore you are worthy to be worshiped. Thank you that we have the awesome privilege to make supplications to you Almighty God, my Father. And you really listen to our prayers and answered them!!
I find complete wholeness in you Almighty God. You are my delight and you are my song and you have become my salvation eternal God. Glory to your name Almighty God.
At all times i will be calling out to you Almighty God for you are my God. Thank you for teaching me about your mighty power. You have let me actually know what is on your mind. I want to praise you for touching my life as you have Exalted God. You are God of the Universe above the heavens and the earth. Holy! Holy! Holy! is the Lord God Almighty. Please help me to pay close attention to your holy Word and to stay centered on the Potter's wheeel as you work in my life situations changing my heart forever.
Your Spirit has made me, and your breath has given me new life. Breath of the Almighty God i proclaim you are my God, my father's God and i worship you as they did Father God.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


My dear Father,
Thank you that you have invited me to come up close to you and to be your child. Thank you for listening to my praises as i worship you each day. They are for your ears alone. Sweet praises and songs that edify you in my worship time. It is my special time with you that i cherish. You are so special to me. I love to praise you and exalt you for you are so big in my eyes. I love you so much. Thank you for drawing me closer and closer to you. I am filled with awe.
Your thoughts of me boggles my mind. They are unsearchable. Praise my loving and wonderful God who speaks to me.
I praise you for the wonderful words you put in my mind. The thoughts throughout the night swirls around in my mind and heart and when i awaken i know you are there. Thank you for investing your time with me as i study your holy word. How great and awesome you who loves mere human beings. Glory to your excellent name timeless redeemer.
Your words to me will always come to pass i know, for you are the Sovereign LORD.
I praise you blessed and only Sovereign. You are the King of Kings and Lord of lords. You are holy and true at all times. A God who is able to deliverme at any time. You are the LORD, the Sovereign Lord. Thank you for rescuing me from death. What a powerful God you are. You are full of wisdom and might. Salvation belongs to the Lord. Everything is yours. You own everything. Everything will bend before you. How awesome is that? So i come before you Sovereign LORD, and declare my allegiance to you, to you alone and no one else do i desire.
Lord you take no delight in the death of anyone. Help all to repent and live!
The Sovereign LORD reigns. Thank you for searching my heart and seeking me out. I rejoice in you Sovereign LORD.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Holy Shepherd,
I worship you my brave shepherd. You are my chief Shepherd. You are my God.
Years ago when you were but a babe, shepherds came to worship you. Just a little tiny baby that they found out was God Almighty. They bowed down low and worshiped you and they praised you adorning you and loving you exalting you. They told others of you. Most rejoiced that their Savior had come others were amazed and astonished when the shepherds reported news about you everywhere they went.
Now you are my Shepherd. Now it is my turn to get to worship you, my holy and beloved Jesus. Now i have an opportunity to tell others of the babe of God. Thank you for the holy privilege to be used by you to tell others the good news. Jesus saves!!!!
You said, I am the good shepherd. I am so grateful that you are the good shepherd. Thank you for laying down your life for the sheep.
Thank you for feeding me and watching over me. Just hanging out with me and looking after me and being my leader is so humbling. As i follow your lead i find in you my life. You are my life. Thank you for providing all my needs. How grateful i am that you came looking for me and praise God you found me. Holy! Holy! Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Thank you for washing me, cleansing me, and purifying me. How wonderful you are.
You are so tender loving and so caring. I love you my shepherd.
Many times i have wandered far away. But not a day went by without you knowing where i was. You are so faithful Jesus. Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for your showing me mercy. Thank you for your tender warnings and your kind directions for my life. You made me and you know how i can be at my best. Thank you for your protection and for my safety. I love you my shepherd.

Monday, August 25, 2008


My Majestic Father,
I glory in you, my dear Father, for you are the One who holds me up. You are the one who is strong, powerful and loving to me. Thank you. You have revealed yourself to me. GLORY!!!
My soul is refreshed by You, my Rock. You pour out so much more than i put in. Thank you for allowing me to feel your love inside of me. I am very grateful for your stirring my inner being. I worship you exalted King.
You are so pure and lovely and winsome. I glory in you! My Saviour and my God, my ROCK.
I trust in you. Please continue to open my eyes each and every morning so i can search out what is in my soul and stay near my ROCK.
You are greater than any obstacle that i need to overcome. You are the Overcomer. I can trust you, for you are trustworthy.
You are my rock and my salvation. My soul sings and praises you for your power and wisdom. Glory to the rock of my salvation.
I have no doubts that You are the Rock of my salvation.
I magnify you my exalted Rock. You are higher than earth and heaven. You are majesic in all your beauty. Praise your glorious HOLY GODHEAD. Praise you mighty rock of my salvation!
Thank you for guiding me and helping me stand on holy ground.
You hold me up when i am about to fall. You are always there for me. Praise be to my strong and holy rock. My Salvation!!
Your power and strength blows my mind as you gently lead me to higher thoughts that lead me to follow your instructions. Thank you.
Left to myself down i would go. Left with you up i am upheld. Praise and worship to my mighty King.
Your holy Word is strong enough to lead and guide me to the kingdom of my Father. I worship you my Holy Rock of salvation.
May my words and my thoughts be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my sheltering rock and my redeemer.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Righteous Father thank you for your Word that speaks. You are my righteous judge.
I am in awe of your justice and holy ways. I want to understand your justice. Teach me your holy ways.
You are ruler of all and you a just judge! I can always come to you and know you will listen and give me wise counsel. You are my trusted holy One.
You set on your throne judging justly and fairly. You are never wrong. And that is why i come to you, knowing you will tell me the truth.
I know you will pay back those who have done wrong. Because you are righteous. You are a judge God.
Thank you for teaching me more about you as i mediate on your justice.
You examine people's hearts and minds and you know the motives of all people. You are the defender of those who are oppressed and downhearted through no fault of them and you watch to see how they are treated. You are always coming to the aid of those who call on you. You are our helper. Thank you for inviting me to come near to you when i am burden down. Thank you that i can bring to you all my woes and you listen! Thank you for being so understanding. I love you for caring! You truly are my comforter and encourager. Glory to your holy name righteous Father judge of all.
I know you must judge us when we get off track. We so often rebel against your holy commands. Forgive us Lord.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Righteous Father thank you for inviting me to draw near to you. Thank you for making it possible to come up close to you.
To know you are willing to give me strength and help as i need it is so comforting.
Thank you.
I give you the glory and praise holy righteous God for your encouragement to me and for your power in my life and my everyday walk with you.
Thank you for receiving me as your adopted daughter. For loving me and caring for me i give you thanks my righteous God.
Thank you for your tender-mercies everyday that you blow on me. And thank you for the privilege to know you, to understand you and to enjoy your Word.
Thank you for preparing me for the kingdom of my Father.
Righteous Father your word says if you know that he is righteous, you also know that everyone who practices righteousness has been fathered by him. That speaks to me loud and clear You fathered me. I am your child. I belong to you. What security. THANK YOU.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Blessed Father I want to thank you for Jesus my redeemer. Thank you Jesus for redeeming me from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for me. Lord I worship and exalt you as my redeemer.
Thank you for delivering me from the power of the enemy. You have powerfully redeemed my life. I worship you. Be exalted LORD in my life and use me to serve your mighty purposes.
Glory to your great name mighty redeemer for rescuing me from Satan's domain and transporting me to the Kingdom of God.
Every day blessed redeemer i am more eager than the day before to get out of bed in the morning so that i can run out to meet you in our special time together. I love the closeness. Thank you for your faithfulness each morning in meeting me. You never forget our meeting. I am so thankful for this time. It brings me direction throughout the day for all my activities. And this holy direction i'm receiving from you is something i'm not forgetting easily because it is so real it is changing my very life situations. It is a God thing. Holy is the Lord God Almighty. For it is in the morning walks i am sensing new direction from you as i discuss with you what's happening in my life and my family and love ones and our church. Thank you for enlightening my life and bringing hope and encouragement to me. You are wonderful and i love to be able to talk with you about all of life. I'm finding i really don't want to end these wonderful times of fellowship with you because they are so helpful. I know your presence is with me as i do my scripture prayer cards and chat with you about these verses. I feel your awesome holiness near. In the morning i can't wait to get up and be with the God who made the world. My God. You fellowship with me. This really is exciting and you make me feel so loved. Thank you. Praise the Lord God Almighty!!!!
I pray that the Holy Spirit who is my guide would teach me in all things what i need to know so that i might be one of his followers who is performing the will of God in my life. I am forever grateful. Glory to my blessed redeemer. I am entrusting my life to You holy and beloved God. Your love endures forever and ever! You are my gracious redeemer. Thank you for helping me and protecting me and for never forsaking me. I praise you for your compassion, mercy and love that you have poured into my life. My soul feels the love of God in me. What can i say more? You LORD GOD will fulfill your purpose for me; your love O LORD, endures forever. I am in awe as i am being touched by you and sheltered by you. Praise the Lord!
Please continue to teach me how to live a holy and godly life and then show me how you would want to lead me in following you. Help me to be sensitive to your leading Holy Spirit.
May my words and my thoughts be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my sheltering rock and my redeemer.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


My Father,
This morning as we walked in sweet fellowship and i discuss my personal life with you, you then warmly shared with me that you are my mighty One. You are able to help me because you are the mighty One.
I am so glad that you are mighty because that means you are upholding my causes.
You have all the power and strength that keeps me strong. I praise you mighty One.
You are all powerful in all you do. I pray you will be glorified in all you do in my life today. May you do mighty works that bring glory to you and you alone.
Your word says one generation will praise your deeds to another, and tell about your mighty acts. Lord thank you for giving me an opportunity to tell others about you and your mighty deeds.
Lord you are mighty. You have done great things from the very beginning. I know personally the great works You are doing in my life. I praise you! Who am i? Thank you for in your great wisdom it is to be. I desire to thank you and to bow low in worship to the King who is the mighty One. Holy is your name. You are wise in heart and mighty in strength. You are the mighty One.

Friday, August 8, 2008


My Father, you have said to me go and make disciples and to teach them all things you have said. May you make me tender and sensitive to your voice so that i can hear you when you are speaking to me and when you are saying to me this is the way over here.
Tune my ears to hear your voice LORD when you speak help me to look up and pray. Thank you for being my leader. You are so wonderful. You make me soar higher and higher. I worship in awe of you, my Lord and my Savior. Help me to follow you as you lead me.
I desire to obey you fully. I want to listen to your instructions so that i will be in line with your word. Help me love you with all of my heart and to worship you with every ounce of me. I surrender to You all of who i am and will ever be and hope to be. Speak Lord to me, your servant.
I love your tender mercies that are new every day Lord. You are so faithful Jesus. You are the delight of my soul. I praise and exalt you in my life. You the exalted holy God is nearer to me than my next breath. Praise your eternal Spirit holy God.
I ask you for the wisdom i need to keep my focus on you and off of anything that is not of you. Please feel free to move,exist, and live in me doing what pleases you.
I want to know you more than i have ever wanted to know you. So may you pour out all of you for me to grow in my love for you and my service for your glory and let me taste and see that the Lord is good and gracious to all his servants.
You LORD will fulfill your purposes for me; I know it to be true, for you have spoken to me. Your love, O LORD, endures forever.
I praise you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for listening to my thoughts each day as i pour out to you my concerns, my doubts and my fears. Thank you that you are my comforter, my helper, and holy friend. I love you and exalt you.
Sovereign LORD thank you that i can come to you and seek you as my leader and guide. Help me put into practice your wonderful instructions for my life as i discuss and pray to you about all that you put on my heart.
Fill me with the confidence that i need to be the person you have chosen me to be.
Thank you holding me up with you righteous right hand. Glory to my leader.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Gracious Father,
I desire to give you thanks today for teaching me that you are my lawgiver. Now Lord what is it your saying to me? I am all ears! I am so hungry. I am ready to know your instructions for me. Thank you for loving me so much to train me in your holy and wonderful commandments. They all my life and bring light to my hungry soul. Thank you for your Holy Spirit working in me helping me and upholding me through the changes that you are making in me. I know without his direction i will fall quickly away to my own ways. May that never happen. Holy everlasting God be exalted in my life.
I know that when you are near i feel so clean and pure. Thank you for filling my heart with your spirit of love and compassion. What a special God you are to give so much love to me. Thank you.
Your ways eternal God are so lifting, so grand and i thank you for lifting me up where i can find your direction for my life and thank you for even giving me a peek of my destiny. Your touch does that to my soul.Thank you for showing me the way to go. You are so great and powerful. Full of wisdom and knowledge and your unfailing love and mercy blows me away with longing to stay with you and learn more and more about you. It seems like i just soak you up like a sponge and just want more and more. I find i want to get closer and closer to the One who knows me so well. Thank you for your willingness to give more and more as i ask,seek,and knock. Holy praise to you my Father. I worship you and exalt you in my life.
Lord in James i reading where you said that you are the only one who is lawgiver and judge - the only one who is able to save and destroy. You are so right. You have proven in my life and to all that you alone are in charge of deciding human destiny.
Please forgive me for all the times i have not kept that truth alive and where i have lived otherwise. Forgive me when i have condemned my neighbor Lord. I do really know in my heart that i am not the judge of my neighbor. You are and you alone.
You my Lord, my holy God you are the One who carries out judgments through out the earth.
For you are aware of our many rebellious deeds, and our sins testify against us; indeed, we are in truth aware of our rebellious deeds; we know our sins all too well.
I praise You my Lawgiver for you are the only hope for all mankind.
May you in your unfailing love and compassion help me to grow in grace and knowledge
that i might become more pleasing in your sight holy righteous Father.
Thank you Father for all you are doing in my life and in the life of my family and in the life of all your followers that love you in truth.
As my Potter please help me to cooperate with you as you keep your watchful eyes on the work you are doing in me.
Lord when your speaking to me please make me sensitive to hear you.
You are my lawgiver. I praise you and honor you. Thank you for teaching me your commandments. I love you and i hold you dearly in my heart. Thank you for your love and your fellowship. Thank you for being near and dear to me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


My Righteous Judge you are holy and true. You are judge of all. You have judged all that how lived on the earth and you continue to do so. You are my Judge. You are not only my judge but whatever i need you to be for me. Thank you so much. You are my Helper at all times. I stand in awe of your greatness, power, strength, wisdom and knowledge. Glory to all that you are, including being my Judge.
I need you to be my judge. I want to learn more and more about your just ways. I know your ways are fair, loving and true.
Glory, worship, honor, wealth and riches to the blessed holy Judge of all.
I am glad you are watching me and viewing my life. Thank you for correcting me when i need your correction. Honor to the Judge! You are righteous and wise and i can always count on you to judge my life and all that happens to me. Praise you my Righteous Father for watching over my life.
You are always fair, right and true at all times. I am not. Teach me your holy ways so that i can be fair when i am making important decisions. Glory to your great and awesome name Holy Judge of all.
You are the LORD my God; and You carry out your judgments throughout the earth. How wonderful are your just and holy ways. Glory and praise!! Praise and glory to the Exalted Judge.
I thank you for being my LORD, my ruler, my commander and for being my Judge. My deliverer. Praise You the Judge of all! You are a Majestic Holy Judge.
You are my Righteous Judge. Thank you for coming up close to me. Being besided me means so much to me. I can feel your softness and warmth and love as you draw near to me. Praise your holiness and purity and all that you are. You are my light and life.
I want to respect you at all times. Help me to be very careful in what is say and do.
I know you are weighing my words and deeds. May you view my life and find that i am listening and waiting on you to help me to live in your holiness.
I exalt you are my Judge holy Judge.