
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My True God, you are the Lord GOD, the All-Powerful, and your judgments are true and just! You are the only true God. You are the living God and the everlasting King.
Your words are true. All things you speak are true. Help me to think before i speak and double check my speech whenever i speak so that my words would represent you in godliness and holiness.
Help me to think about those things that are pure and lovely so that my mind stays focus on what is true.
You are the truth, the way and the life. And i want to live in such a way that your life is revealed in me transforming me into the image of your holy beloved Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving me insight to know you the true God. Thank you that i am in you who is the true God. Thank you that i am safe and secure in your Son Jesus Christ. You are the true God and eternal life. Thank you for teaching me how to live in your truth. Lord i know that you are the true God. You are the living God and the everlasting King.

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