
Saturday, September 27, 2008


Forever praise be to You, Beautiful spring of living water. You are like the garden of paradise with fountains and springs and you offer free of charge your precious eternal living water. I received it in your abundance and enjoy it every day. To me every moment in holy when my eyes behold you most beautiful Lord.
You describe yourself as a spring of living water. You have certainty got my attention. I will be like Moses i will draw near and behold you beautiful Lord. May you transform my heart to resemble the likeness of your Son that i reflect you as the awesome God. May the eyes of my heart yearn to catch glimpses of your holy paradise. I want to see the fountains flowing the springs bubbling up in paradise. I want to be there. Be there with you.
Lord you are a garden spring, a well of fresh water. You are beautiful Lord.
Thank you for inviting me into your garden. Thank you for pouring your love into my life because i don't have that kind of love. Pure love. So thank you for pouring fresh water into my thirsty soul. You are so amazing God.
I remember reading in the New Testament where you stop to rest at Jabob's well and a woman approached you who was known as not so nice. But you the beloved Son of God loved her and ended up giving her living water where she would never thirst again. How glorious you.
Thank you for being the Spring of living water overflowing in my life.
Thank you for purifying my soul and cleanses and washing me into a clean vessel for your holy purposes.
You are my fountain of Living Water. I cherish you.
May forever praise be given to you. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. You have said to the one who is thirsty you will give water free of charge from the spring of the water of life. So be it Blessed Lord Amen.

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