
Monday, November 10, 2008


Lord how i appreciate you being the chief cornerstone in my life. Thank you for holding me up in your truth and righteousness.
It is well with my soul because of you being my chief cornerstone. Thank you for being my foundation. Lord you are beautiful in wisdom and strength.
You give perfect security to all those who are yours in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for creating in me a desire to know you.
Lord i want to lay hold on eternal life. Teach me Lord how to become wise and depend on you my solid rock to keep me secure. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for caring for my soul.
Lord you are so precious to me. A precious corner stone, a sure foundation. Thank you for your comfort, hope and strength and your constant abiding with me. You are so reassuring to me of your nearness and caring ways. I love you Jesus. Thank you for showing kindness to me and my family. You are so merciful. Through ups and downs you have always been there. You can be counted on to be the chief cornerstone of my salvation.
Lord i so glad that you have spoken in your word to me that i have your seal on me and that you are aware of that i go through. That i am one of yours is so comforting. Praise be the Lord i am one of those that have your seal upon me. Thank you for your goodness.

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