
Monday, December 8, 2008


Beautiful consolation of Israel today i want to praise you for being my consolation. Thank you for having compassion on me and for the comfort and strength that you give me when i need it the most. How great and mighty you are. I praise you for being the one who is Exalted above the heavens and who knows where i am at all times. You are Everywhere. You watch over your own and you notice what we are doing and what is our heart like at every moment of every second. I praise you Mighty Eternal God. You are the great Holy One.
Thank you for being my great deliverer and consolation; my redeemer.MY refuge and strength.
You are the One who comforts me and brings light to me so i will know where i am going when i am in the dark. Holy is God Almighty who guides me.
Thank you for giving me guidance and for filling me with your ways and your truth.
Thank you for having mercy upon me.
Thank you for filling me with joy and gladness.
Thank you for giving me hope and encouragement.
Blessed be God even the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.
Thank you that whenever i am in the dumps i can know you are near by and feel you place your Everlasting arms Father around me bringing me hope and confidence that all will be o.k.
Thank you for Upholding me and giving me strength when i am weak and powerless.
Thank you for inspiring me to keep on and not to let go of your Divine help.
Thank you for allowing me to draw near to you, and for you not standing a far a way but near, as near as my heart beat.
Lord you are my consolation. My praise is for you alone.
Thank you for helping me to stand fast and for loving me with an everlasting love.
You are my Everlasting consolation and my good hope through the grace i have received from you. I pray that your comfort will keep me stable in every good word and work for your glory.

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