
Friday, August 7, 2009


Lord you knows all things. You created everything for your glory. Now i pray that you would fulfill your plan that you have order for my life so that your glory overflows through me and in me. May i be so near you that i become like a river flowing full speed through your power and might. I am so eager to serve you my King. I ready to live for you.It is a honor to have knowledge of your nature and ways. I have learned that you are willing to have a love-relationship with me. Teach me your ways and thoughts. Work mightily in me and through me. Thank you for the wonders you have worked in my life. Holy and excellent are all your ways. I hunger to taste your ways and truths. Thank you for the privilege to live and exist for your glory.
You alone are worthy of worship. You alone are trustworthy. I thank you for all your blessings and i praise you for your perfect nature that is blameless, pure and holy. You are so full of life and you light everything you come near. Thank you for touching my life with your glory.
Thank you for giving your best to all of creation and being so kind and loving to all.
Glory and praise to the One who knows all things before it happens. Holy and Righteous you are in all you do.
Thank you for searching my heart and mind and for an open relationship with you in all your purity. Thank you for giving me life and breath and a heart to love you.