
Tuesday, April 15, 2008


MY God,
Because you are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob i am learning more about how you are the same today as then. You are my God as well as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You are the one true living and holy God.
Help me to represent you as well as they did. They worship you, and they knew you and felt your ever encouraging presence with them. May i do likewise.
Lord you revealed to Moses that you are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and you kept all your promises to them.I can know you will keep all your promises to me that are in your will as well.
Help me to love you with all my heart,mind,strength and soul as they did.
Help me to desire you as much as they did. Help me to respond to you as they humbly did. Help me to follow their example as they worship and adored you. Help me to faithfully serve you as they did. Help me to feel your peace and safety as they did.
Please watch over me and my family and all your followers. May your eyes stay glued to our lives. May we be precious in your site as we serve you in every situations we face.
Lord i'm so glad you so loved the world that you gave your Son as proof of your love and care for all who would believe. Thank you with holy gratitude for demonstrating such pure and holy love.
I thank you that you are willing to teach me and train me how to live for you. Help me to be willing to wait when you are working in my life and when i want to go ahead of you thank you that you open my eyes of faith for You in your wisdom know when the door should open where you will receive the greatest glory for yourself.
Thank you that i can enter your presence at any time of the day and night.
I pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for supplying everything i need.
Help me to stay close to you and cling to you trusting you for all my needs.
May your kingdom, and your power and glory be forever. I love you Father.

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