
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

God of truth

My Faithful God of truth,
Today you are teaching me about you being the God of truth.
Help me to open my ears and to listen to you. Your truth brings peace to my mind and spirit so i praise you for your truth.
Thank you for your blessings upon my life as i yield to your truth as you reveal it to me.
I praise you for the truth that leads to eternal life. You are the king of truth.
Thank you for teaching me about your faithfulness.
I praise you that your truth enlightened my thinking.
I'm seeking your light o blessed One. Thank you for drawing me to yourself and away from evil.
Thank you for teaching me to be a loyal followers of your who rally under your banner, my deliverer. Thank you for helping me find safety in you.
Teach me and train me to develop understanding so i will have practical knowledge of your truth as i seek hungerly for your mercy God of truth.
Teach me the way of God in accordance with the truth.
Thank you for revealing the truth of God as i live according to that truth.
Lord you are the true vine. Help me to bear good fruit in my service to you.
Help me to bear witness to your truth in my life.
Help my zeal to be in line with the truth.
Help me to be passionate for you in true righteousness.
Help me to practice walking in truth.
Help my life be pleasing to you God of truth. Produce in me your truths.
I praise you Spirit of truth. Thank you for teaching me to love your truth.
And thank you for the truth that makes me free to serve you.

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