
Thursday, May 8, 2008

great and awesome God

LORD God of heaven, you are the great and awesome God and I know You keep your loving covenant with those who love you and obey your commandments.
You are a God who is honored in the great angelic assembly and you are more awesome than all who surround you.
I am praying to you great, mighty and awesome God desiring sincerely to stay free of sin's guilt so i will have a clean walk with you as did the prophets of old who walked in your truth and i so desire to do what pleases you. Thank you for teaching me to be repentance and deeply sorry when i offend you and go my own way. I want to do your will and bring glory to you great and awesome God. I want to be close to you thank you for inviting me to come and taste and see that the Lord God is great and awesome.
Thank you for being presence with me at all times. You are the Lord my God and you are God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God who is unbiased and takes no bribes.
I praise you because you are my God, the one who has done great and awesome things for me that i have seen.

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