
Sunday, April 13, 2008


My Wonderful Savior,
You are the One who is my rocky summit where i take shelter, my shield, the horn that saves me, my stronghold, my refuge, my Savior.
You are the one who makes my spirit rejoice for you are my Savior.
Help me to have faith to follow your plan for my life. Help me to believe with my heart you are regenerating my life day by day.
Lord Jesus who is my Savior help me to honor you by my faith. I know you honor faith.
Fill me with your wisdom and help me to know that you are with me in all i do.
I pray that your light will reign in the darkness.
Lord bless my work and open doors of opportunities to honor you my Savior.
I pray that the Holy Spirt would moved upon the hearts of those you send my way.
Help me to live for you.
Lord Jesus thank you that your Spirit bears witness with my spirit that i have passed from death unto life.
I thank you for the blood of Christ that makes me safe around you and for your holy word that makes me sure of my salvation.
Help me to confess Christ every opportunity i have that you give me and to know you are right there beside me guiding the words that come out of my mouth.
Help me to turn from all i know to be wrong. Help me to overcome any sinful desires
and help me to be a blessing wherever i go. I love you my Savior.

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