My Great Father
You are the LORD MY GOD.
You are God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty and awesome God who is unbiased and takes no bribes.
Strengthen me to follow your your holy Word and to listen to your holy Spirit as he guides and leads me and help me to stay true to you.
Help me to obey you and honor you the God of gods. Help me to embraced all i know of you and to serve you with all my heart and mind as well as my spirit.
Help me to be faithful in all i do when serving you.
Lead me by your holy Spirit and fill me with your wisdom that i might know how you would help me to be a blessing to another person.
Help me to bring glory to you.
Great and awesome God i give you thanks that you are God of gods.
Help me to be loyal to you and not to follow sinful ways that lead to ungodliness.
You are my Sovereign LORD and you are the one who searches my heart and mind. Help me to stay pure before your holy eyes.
Help me not to serve the gods of silver,gold,bronze,iron,wood, and stone gods that cannot see or hear or comprehend! Help me to glorified the God who has in his control my very breath and all my ways! Help me to remove any idols in my life.
You are to be praise for you are worthy. Because of your Sovereign authority, and compassion i praise you. You alone magnificent in all you do and are.
You do amazing deeds.
I praise your wisdom when you made the heavens, and i praise you when you spread out the earth over the water. You made the great lights, the sun to rule by day, the moon and stars to rule by night. You are the One who remembers those who are downhearted and you lifts them up. I exalt and magnify you God of gods.
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