Almighty Father,
You appeared to Abraham,to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty. They were learning about you. Almighty God i too want to learn about the God to whom i pray.
You are mighty and powerful and in spite of my limited understanding you still reveal to me wonderful things about you, thank you.
Thank you for making yourself known to me and helping me abide in Christ. Thank you for allowing me to hear your words as i read the Bible. Thank you for opening my mind and spirit to receive your words as you speak them to me. Praise your holy name Lord God Almighty.
Thank you for blessing me with knowledge to know how to be right with you.
I praise you that you are with me and will always be just when you judge my life and that i may seek you with sll my heart.
Holy God i do seek you with my whole heart. Thank you for the grace and mercy i have received from you.
You are so powerful and strong and i am so weak yet you allow me to know you.
You are pass my limited knowledge of understanding even as you open the scriptures to me.
Voice of the Almighty with deep gratitude i am thankful for your holy love.
I desire to abandon my mind and spirit to you so that you can soften my heart and so i will truly be alive. Praise you holy Almighty God.
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