
Tuesday, September 8, 2009


My Excellent GOD Today as i picked up my Bible to read psalms 8 Your excellent name jumped off the pages and stopped me cold.
Your excellent name surely knows how to enlightened my soul with pure delight and joy. You have many excellent ways of getting our attention.
Your great and excellent name brings me joy and delight. How awesome is your excellent timing. How many times i have found your ways are perfect and blameless. Your name is EXCELLENT! That is so awesome. Your excellent name touching every part of my life.
Your excellent ways! How awesome your name is... I can't imagine in my mind heaven's reaction to your EXCELLENT name this very moment. But i know if i could see in heaven i would see how excellent your name is and how it performs all things even above the heavens. Your excellent name how it carries my burdens all the way to Jesus excellent name.
Your excellent name goes wherever you send it. Thank you for your excellent work in my life and the lives of all who have put their trust in you. Thank you for being my source of peace and power as i live out from day to day all that comes my way through your excellent work. Thank you for always supplying, supporting, sustaining me while under any type of stress. Your excellent name has never let me down and i know it never will. Your faithfulness has always been there lifting me up and holding me up when i have been in need of encouragement. Your excellent ways bring me light and understanding as i carefully walk in humility and truth. Your ways are excellent. There is no ONE who can come close to your excellent name. Thank you for today allowing me to see what you wanted me to see. How excellent you are. I am so grateful you are my God. Love YOU. In Jesus excellent name i pray amen.

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