
Friday, May 16, 2008

He who reveals his thoughts to man

Mighty Father i am so glad you are he who reveals your thoughts to me. You have clearly revealed the fact that you purposed to save and to bless mankind. May the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts that opposes you. Thank you for revealing your mercy and your grace. You are so good. You alone have the true wisdom so please help me to seek you Lord while you may be found. Thank you for being so near to me. Keep my ears tuned to listen to your voice. Thank you for giving us your holy Word. Thank you that we can trust your holy word. Lord you reveal your righteousness in the way you rule. Thank you for showing us your ways. Thank you for showing us your holy standards of righteousness in Christ Jesus. Lord you have healed all manners of sicknesses and you know the thoughts of a man. You have revealed your will in scripture from Genesis to Revelation. Night after night you reveal your greatness!! I PRAISE YOU. May you keep me from sinning and may you help me to be pleasing to you. Thank you for putting your thoughts in my mind. You know the best time to reveal your will. Help me to understand biblical submission and to practice it.

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