My Powerful God, You are the one who avenges me.
Thank you for your help and protection.
You are the one true God who delivers me.
You are faithful and you keep all your promises.
Because of your loyal love which endures forever i will praise you and glory in you.
I know you will finished in me what you have started. Thank you for your mighty intervention in my life. You do so much for me. You are so gracious. Thank you.
You are God Most High, thank you for fulfilling your purposes for my life.
Thank you for giving me the strength to live out your plan for my life. May you receive glory in all you do in and through me Lord. May your splendor be revealed in all your wonderful works you do.
I am so glad you are willing to teach me about your character so that i can understand that you are the avenger of the blood of your servants. I know yours words are true and right.That you are a faithful God who never does wrong.
Sometimes in this age there appears to be no justice, but this cannot and will not always be the cause because of your great character God for you are the powerful and great avenger.
Lord you are God of glory. You are my defense and avenger and i praise you gracious Redeemer for your love and care for me.
Lord i respect your authority and commands help me to live totaly in line with your heart's desire.
Thank you for showing me your greatness and strength, help me to obey you and carry out the terms you have laid out for me so that my spirit will be full of your spirit reigning and ruling my life yielding and listening to the voice of the Almighty God.
Lord you are light of life and you have given your life to your saints and your truth so that we can live in accordance to your will for our lives.
Thank you for rescuing me and delivering me from satan's kingdom to the kingdom of God.
Thank you that Jesus is the door of my salvation. I enter in through Him into the holy throne room. Thank you Heavenly Jesus that when i am worried and threatened and overwhelmed and feel abandoned that my soul is renewed by your strength.
Thank you for having mercy on me and delivering me when i need you most. I love you my gracious Redeemer.
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