Sovereign LORD, You are my source of strength. You revive and guide me when i am slipping. You help me to remember you are the source of my strength.
You help me to walk in newness of life. You lead me in new and exciting ways through Your Spirit. You quickened me and enliven me to be obedient to your voice. Make me sensitive to your prompting to do your will. Help me to listen as you sustain me through every trial i face on a daily basic. You have assured me that you will faithfully hold me up if i will be open to your ways and truths. Open my spirit Lord and pour your mind into my thoughts, for i worship you most holy God, my Saviour.
Father, thank you for bringing me close to you and guiding me to green pastures where you can feed and sustain my life. Help me to keep a clean and pure heart before you. Cause me to go in the direction you have choosen me to go. Jesus thank you for giving me strength for today and Father i pray in the holy and blessed name of Jesus amen.
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