
Thursday, March 27, 2008


My Father, You are a wise architect and builder. You are always at work planning every detail of my life. Help me to yield to your workmanship in my life and all that i do may it be for your glory.
Keep my mind and spirit stayed on your eternal work. Help me to hold fast as you shape and form my life.
I'm clinging and trusting your work in my life expecting great things from you, the only true foundation. Help me to represent you properly by my life and the resources you have given me. Use them for your honor.
You are the Divine Builder and i ask that you would build up my faith and may my life's work bring glory to you.
I praise You Christ my foundation who is working wonders in my life.
Teach me how to walk and work for you my wise master-builder who does what he pleases with each one who keeps their eyes on your truth and ways. Blessed be my architect and builder.
I keep coming back to you knowing you delight in hearing from me.
Help me to continue doing the best i can do through your working in me. Make my life and work be that which builds up and doesn't tear down. Thank you for revealing to me today that you are my architect and builder. My Maker. My Creator.

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