Jesus i honor you for being faithful and for being the true witness.
Thank you for teaching me to be faithful to you and others.
Your eyes are on the faithful who trust in you.
Help me to stay true to all that you reveal to my heart and mind.
Thank you for your faithful Spirit who guides me into the truth in your word.
Thank you for finding me and molding me to be a faithful witnesss.
You are faithful all the time and you never forsake those who cling to you.
Help me as i learn about your faithfulness to trust you more each day.
Thank you for the mercy you have shown me. May i be found faithful when the Lord returns in all his glory and might.
Blessed is the Lord who has shown his faithfulness to me.
Thank you for calling me in grace and love.
Thank you for being faithful to all your promises.
Thank you for faithfully forgiving me every day.
Truly your words are true and faithful.
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