
Sunday, November 23, 2008


Precious Lord Jesus thank you for your nourishment that keeps us on the right course.
Your Word is living and gives strength to help us walk through life's situation's praise your holy name Lord God Almighty.
Thank you for the holy privilege to study your living word that brings repentance and a change life. Thank you that we can pray and talk to you about what is going on with us and to know that you hear us and that you delight to help us.
Thank you for giving us the Spirit of Truth who guides us, leads us and governs our lives so that we will know how you would have us to live our lives.
Keep us from straying from you so that we can live a life worthy of our calling.
Thank you for providing every thing we need to live a godly life.
Thank you for Christ who is the foundation of our spiritual Temple.
Thank you that we can grow more and more like Christ every single day. Help us not to grieve your holy Spirit.
Help us to live pleasing lives for your holy glory. Thank you Father for all you have done in the pass and what you are doing now to help us and just knowing you also will help us in the future. In Jesus wonderful name i pray amen.

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