LORD JESUS Blessed be your name. Thank you for your faithfulness every single day.
As i open up to you and share my thoughts with you i find you right beside me. You are the God of hope. My hope is in you. I thank you for the hope i have in you.
Lord Jesus teach me. I want to live in hope so that i will have your gentle direction that leads to peace of heart and mind.I want to walk in hope and know that you have me in your everlasting arms. That You are my Everlasting Father. That You are the Everlasting Lord who guides and leads me in hope of everlasting life.
I honor you and exalt you above the heavens for you are my Father who knows me intimately and desires to bring great hope into my soul. Lord when my heart goes astray i can know for certain (for it is you who has taught me) that you are a forgiving Father. I can open up to you and talk to you and hear your sweet voice speaking softly to me saying you are my Father who is compassionate to his children who repent and turn their hearts back to him. How wonderful you are my Father. Thank you for teaching me your ways so that when I'm off course i know the way home. Thank you for being my hope. LORD JESUS you are God of hope.
Jesus Christ is my foundation. He alone is the one who builds up my faith and keeps me on the solid foundation. He is my Rock.He is my stronghold. He is my unshakeable foundation.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lord Jesus you are Christ my LORD. Hallow be your name Christ Jesus. Teach me how to align my will with yours. Show me how to live a holy life. Use me to bring you pleasure and delight. Help me to live for you. Strengthen my heart to serve you in ways that will honor you. Help me everyday to walk in newness of life. Thank you for being my source of strength when i am weak. I praise you who is All-Powerful strong and mighty. You are able to powerfully work through my life.
Thank you for watching over me as i grow and mature in my everyday life. Thank you for guarding my heart and mind. Teach me to know you more everyday. I'm learning that i am loved by you and family to you. Strengthen my faith as i grow into the image of your Son. Lead me by your Spirit and continue to teach me your ways and help me to walk in truth.
Thank you for teaching me how to live the christian way. Thank you for changing my heart and giving me your values. Thank you for being my friend and helper.
Help me to give myself sacrificial to you not holding back anything. Enlarge my heart to love and serve you more and more each day.
Thank you for watching over me as i grow and mature in my everyday life. Thank you for guarding my heart and mind. Teach me to know you more everyday. I'm learning that i am loved by you and family to you. Strengthen my faith as i grow into the image of your Son. Lead me by your Spirit and continue to teach me your ways and help me to walk in truth.
Thank you for teaching me how to live the christian way. Thank you for changing my heart and giving me your values. Thank you for being my friend and helper.
Help me to give myself sacrificial to you not holding back anything. Enlarge my heart to love and serve you more and more each day.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Precious Lord Jesus thank you for your nourishment that keeps us on the right course.
Your Word is living and gives strength to help us walk through life's situation's praise your holy name Lord God Almighty.
Thank you for the holy privilege to study your living word that brings repentance and a change life. Thank you that we can pray and talk to you about what is going on with us and to know that you hear us and that you delight to help us.
Thank you for giving us the Spirit of Truth who guides us, leads us and governs our lives so that we will know how you would have us to live our lives.
Keep us from straying from you so that we can live a life worthy of our calling.
Thank you for providing every thing we need to live a godly life.
Thank you for Christ who is the foundation of our spiritual Temple.
Thank you that we can grow more and more like Christ every single day. Help us not to grieve your holy Spirit.
Help us to live pleasing lives for your holy glory. Thank you Father for all you have done in the pass and what you are doing now to help us and just knowing you also will help us in the future. In Jesus wonderful name i pray amen.
Your Word is living and gives strength to help us walk through life's situation's praise your holy name Lord God Almighty.
Thank you for the holy privilege to study your living word that brings repentance and a change life. Thank you that we can pray and talk to you about what is going on with us and to know that you hear us and that you delight to help us.
Thank you for giving us the Spirit of Truth who guides us, leads us and governs our lives so that we will know how you would have us to live our lives.
Keep us from straying from you so that we can live a life worthy of our calling.
Thank you for providing every thing we need to live a godly life.
Thank you for Christ who is the foundation of our spiritual Temple.
Thank you that we can grow more and more like Christ every single day. Help us not to grieve your holy Spirit.
Help us to live pleasing lives for your holy glory. Thank you Father for all you have done in the pass and what you are doing now to help us and just knowing you also will help us in the future. In Jesus wonderful name i pray amen.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Lord Jesus thank you for being our model on how to shepherd the flock in our care.
You are so tender. Help me to be tender. You are so gentle. Help me to be gentle.
Lord you are so loving. Help me to be loving. Lord you are so caring. Help me to be caring. Lord you are joyful. Show me how to be joyful. Lord you the Prince of peace. Help me to be at peace. Lord you are so longsuffering. Help me to be longsuffering.
Lord you are so good. Help me to show goodness to others. Lord you are so faithful. Help me to be faithful. Lord you are so meek. Help me to show meekness to others. Lord you are so full of self-control so discipline. Help me to be discipline in my life. Lord you are so kind. Help me to show kindness to others who need a friend to come along side them. Lord you are so truthful. Help me to be truthful. Lord you are so compassionate. Help me to be compassate. Lord you are so forgiving. Help me to forgive others. Lord you are righteous. Help me to stay in right relationship with you. Thank you for showing how to connect the dots to stay in right relationship with you. I love you for being my Chief Shepherd. Thank you for looking out after me.
You are so tender. Help me to be tender. You are so gentle. Help me to be gentle.
Lord you are so loving. Help me to be loving. Lord you are so caring. Help me to be caring. Lord you are joyful. Show me how to be joyful. Lord you the Prince of peace. Help me to be at peace. Lord you are so longsuffering. Help me to be longsuffering.
Lord you are so good. Help me to show goodness to others. Lord you are so faithful. Help me to be faithful. Lord you are so meek. Help me to show meekness to others. Lord you are so full of self-control so discipline. Help me to be discipline in my life. Lord you are so kind. Help me to show kindness to others who need a friend to come along side them. Lord you are so truthful. Help me to be truthful. Lord you are so compassionate. Help me to be compassate. Lord you are so forgiving. Help me to forgive others. Lord you are righteous. Help me to stay in right relationship with you. Thank you for showing how to connect the dots to stay in right relationship with you. I love you for being my Chief Shepherd. Thank you for looking out after me.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Lord how i appreciate you being the chief cornerstone in my life. Thank you for holding me up in your truth and righteousness.
It is well with my soul because of you being my chief cornerstone. Thank you for being my foundation. Lord you are beautiful in wisdom and strength.
You give perfect security to all those who are yours in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for creating in me a desire to know you.
Lord i want to lay hold on eternal life. Teach me Lord how to become wise and depend on you my solid rock to keep me secure. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for caring for my soul.
Lord you are so precious to me. A precious corner stone, a sure foundation. Thank you for your comfort, hope and strength and your constant abiding with me. You are so reassuring to me of your nearness and caring ways. I love you Jesus. Thank you for showing kindness to me and my family. You are so merciful. Through ups and downs you have always been there. You can be counted on to be the chief cornerstone of my salvation.
Lord i so glad that you have spoken in your word to me that i have your seal on me and that you are aware of that i go through. That i am one of yours is so comforting. Praise be the Lord i am one of those that have your seal upon me. Thank you for your goodness.
It is well with my soul because of you being my chief cornerstone. Thank you for being my foundation. Lord you are beautiful in wisdom and strength.
You give perfect security to all those who are yours in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for creating in me a desire to know you.
Lord i want to lay hold on eternal life. Teach me Lord how to become wise and depend on you my solid rock to keep me secure. Thank you for your love and protection. Thank you for caring for my soul.
Lord you are so precious to me. A precious corner stone, a sure foundation. Thank you for your comfort, hope and strength and your constant abiding with me. You are so reassuring to me of your nearness and caring ways. I love you Jesus. Thank you for showing kindness to me and my family. You are so merciful. Through ups and downs you have always been there. You can be counted on to be the chief cornerstone of my salvation.
Lord i so glad that you have spoken in your word to me that i have your seal on me and that you are aware of that i go through. That i am one of yours is so comforting. Praise be the Lord i am one of those that have your seal upon me. Thank you for your goodness.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Lord Jesus,
Thank you for carefully planning in becoming my bridegroom
I can't imagine the thrill that you have planned from all eternity. Thank you for opening my eyes to see a tiny drop of all that is to come. There is so much to learn about so much regarding eternal times. Such as, i can't wait to be sitted at the marriage feast. I am so humbled to know i will be there and you will announce my name and actually come and sit me around the marriage of the Lamb.
Thank you for allowing my ears to listen to the sounds of your coming! Thank you for preparing me for that day. Teach me to stay alert. To listen to your word and to know your voice.
Thank you for opening the eyes of my heart to respond in love to you. Thank you for all you do in preparing me. I am so grateful.
Thank you for calling me out to be your bride. I feel as those i know you more than i know myself. You are on my thoughts day and night. I cannot wait till i see you and touch you as the disciples did. I want to worship you as they did holding on to eternal life.
Teach me your divine instructions, helping me to stay on track. Thank you for showing me the way. You are the way, truth and life.
Lord teach me to be wise and not taken in by the world's thinking. Help me to keep in step with your direction which is for better. Give me a heart of contentment and help me to keep on knowing that you are my bridegroom and i have much to do here and to not let anyone or anything steal my joy and peace in you.
Help me not to listen to those who do not know you as their bridegroom.
Thank you for blessing me with the Holy Spirit of God. Thank you for new blessings each day.
Thank you for filling me with your joy and contentment.
Lord Jesus thank you for leading me to eternal life. A little yesterday to add to today and more of you tomorrow. I am so blessed. Thank you for your tender direction each day. You are the source of all my joy and contentment. I praise all of you Lord Jesus with all my innermost being.
Thank you for teaching me how to recognize good fruit from bad fruit in the kingdom.
Thank you for teaching me how to examine carefully what is said and what isn't said.
Thank you for you yourself bearing witness unto the truth.
Thank you for bringing light into my life and shinning so brightly in my heart and mind. I love you so much for so much you do for me.
You are the mighty bridegroom. You are beautful Lord and sometime i will get to see you as you really are. Make me ready Lord.
Thank you for the day that you came to me, standing at the door of my heart and
knocking and i opened the door and heard your voice and said come in and you are still here teaching me to feast on today and preparing me for the marriage of the Lamb. I can't wait. Glory to the bridegroom knock!
Lord i hear the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Blessed be the Bridegroom, Come.
Thank you for carefully planning in becoming my bridegroom
I can't imagine the thrill that you have planned from all eternity. Thank you for opening my eyes to see a tiny drop of all that is to come. There is so much to learn about so much regarding eternal times. Such as, i can't wait to be sitted at the marriage feast. I am so humbled to know i will be there and you will announce my name and actually come and sit me around the marriage of the Lamb.
Thank you for allowing my ears to listen to the sounds of your coming! Thank you for preparing me for that day. Teach me to stay alert. To listen to your word and to know your voice.
Thank you for opening the eyes of my heart to respond in love to you. Thank you for all you do in preparing me. I am so grateful.
Thank you for calling me out to be your bride. I feel as those i know you more than i know myself. You are on my thoughts day and night. I cannot wait till i see you and touch you as the disciples did. I want to worship you as they did holding on to eternal life.
Teach me your divine instructions, helping me to stay on track. Thank you for showing me the way. You are the way, truth and life.
Lord teach me to be wise and not taken in by the world's thinking. Help me to keep in step with your direction which is for better. Give me a heart of contentment and help me to keep on knowing that you are my bridegroom and i have much to do here and to not let anyone or anything steal my joy and peace in you.
Help me not to listen to those who do not know you as their bridegroom.
Thank you for blessing me with the Holy Spirit of God. Thank you for new blessings each day.
Thank you for filling me with your joy and contentment.
Lord Jesus thank you for leading me to eternal life. A little yesterday to add to today and more of you tomorrow. I am so blessed. Thank you for your tender direction each day. You are the source of all my joy and contentment. I praise all of you Lord Jesus with all my innermost being.
Thank you for teaching me how to recognize good fruit from bad fruit in the kingdom.
Thank you for teaching me how to examine carefully what is said and what isn't said.
Thank you for you yourself bearing witness unto the truth.
Thank you for bringing light into my life and shinning so brightly in my heart and mind. I love you so much for so much you do for me.
You are the mighty bridegroom. You are beautful Lord and sometime i will get to see you as you really are. Make me ready Lord.
Thank you for the day that you came to me, standing at the door of my heart and
knocking and i opened the door and heard your voice and said come in and you are still here teaching me to feast on today and preparing me for the marriage of the Lamb. I can't wait. Glory to the bridegroom knock!
Lord i hear the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come and whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Blessed be the Bridegroom, Come.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Holy Father,
I give you thanks for the bread of life. Your beloved Son. Thank you for providing for all i need to live out the life that brings glory and praise to you. Thank you for seeing to it that i am fed the bread of life so i can stay strong in living out the life that fulfills your will for my life. Thank you that i have been fed by your hand Father. How gracious you have been to me. I praise you bread of life.
Thank you for Jesus coming so i could know what true life is all about. Without you the bread of life i would be living in darkness here and later in outer darkness forever. Thank you that you are the Light of life and that you have given this life that is in your Son. Praise his name forever the bread of life!
Lord Jesus each day may i receive from your hand a fresh word from you to keep me in fellowship with you. I enjoy your company so very much. You mean so much to my life. Words come never come close to who you are and what you are and how you are. You are ALL. Without you my life would be empty, but with you my life soars. You are so Eternal and praiseworthy. You have touch my life and i lovingly worship and sing for joy songs to you. You are my joy and peace, my delight. You are my Comforter, my beloved.
Thank you for your blessings and for watching over my life. Thank you for delighting my soul every single day.
Forgive me Lord when i feed upon trash. On unwholesome things of the world and ignore you the living bread of life.
Lord i don't want to live a empty void life. Please fill me with your Spirit so that i can walk in your Spirit and live a fulfilled and wonderful life in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for your faithfully providing my daily bread each day. I offer you everything in myself so that you blessings can continue to strengthen and uphold me. Praise the name of God, bread of life.
I give you thanks for the bread of life. Your beloved Son. Thank you for providing for all i need to live out the life that brings glory and praise to you. Thank you for seeing to it that i am fed the bread of life so i can stay strong in living out the life that fulfills your will for my life. Thank you that i have been fed by your hand Father. How gracious you have been to me. I praise you bread of life.
Thank you for Jesus coming so i could know what true life is all about. Without you the bread of life i would be living in darkness here and later in outer darkness forever. Thank you that you are the Light of life and that you have given this life that is in your Son. Praise his name forever the bread of life!
Lord Jesus each day may i receive from your hand a fresh word from you to keep me in fellowship with you. I enjoy your company so very much. You mean so much to my life. Words come never come close to who you are and what you are and how you are. You are ALL. Without you my life would be empty, but with you my life soars. You are so Eternal and praiseworthy. You have touch my life and i lovingly worship and sing for joy songs to you. You are my joy and peace, my delight. You are my Comforter, my beloved.
Thank you for your blessings and for watching over my life. Thank you for delighting my soul every single day.
Forgive me Lord when i feed upon trash. On unwholesome things of the world and ignore you the living bread of life.
Lord i don't want to live a empty void life. Please fill me with your Spirit so that i can walk in your Spirit and live a fulfilled and wonderful life in Christ Jesus.
Thank you for your faithfully providing my daily bread each day. I offer you everything in myself so that you blessings can continue to strengthen and uphold me. Praise the name of God, bread of life.
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