Holy Father, You always make me feel so at home with you. Thank you. I rejoice that you are my God and that you actually walk with me throughout the day. I'm excited when i step outside to get ready for my prayer walking and there you are waiting for me. Taking me by my hand and showing me the way that you desire me to be lead. I love to be with you and just hang out. Thank you for being with me on my walks. You bring so much joy to my soul as i begin to think of your greatness and power. Thank you for these holy walks that clearly keep me focus on you being my God and how you would want me to live out my life. Praise you God! The things that come to my mind on these walks clearly clears mind to know your will for my life.
Today as i was walking i realize how faithful you are to keep your covenant of love with your servants. I recognize that there is no god like you in heaven above or on earth below that would be like you are the faithful God. It is you who maintains covenantal loyalty to your servants that obey you with sincerity. What a amazing God you are!
You know all about me so please keep me loyal to you and help me to choose to obey you at all times, especially when times are hard. Keep me soft and pliable and take away from me any desire that is not of you. I want to have a healthy respect for you.
I praise you O LORD God of heaven, great and awesome God. It amazes me how you care for me and show affection to me. Who in the world am i that you share so much love with? Holy, holy God praise you in all your holiness for loving me! Thank you for your love and attention. How awesome you are! I know you desire to bless my life i just know it and i see it, thank you. You are the one who renews newness of life in me... Thank you for changing me and transforming my life. I love you dear Father. Love Sue
Our God is so Great,
so happy to read this,
God bless you
and keep You in His care,
greetzzz from Belgium
Hi Abigail.
Thank you for your lovely comment.
I praise God for his greatness. He is a great and majestic God.
I am looking forward to meeting you when Jesus returns and we can talk in person about how great and awesome God is. Until then may he encircle you with his love, and protection and as you continue to walk with him may he transform you beyond recognition. SUE
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