
Thursday, September 4, 2008


Everlasting Father,
It is so wonderful to know you are forever everlasting. I cannot wait to be in your everlasting presence!
Your everlasting doors will always stay open so we can come near to be with you forevermore.
I can always have a everlasting relationship with you that is dear to my heart. A glorious time with my Saviour. You are so good to us holy God.
Your everlasting love will always exist. I will never be forsaken by you. The door to your love will always be open where i may enter. Never will it be close. Praise your love most holy God.
Your everlasting kindness will be always. I may enter through the door of kindness because it is open to all who have received his love. Praise your loving kindness!
Your everlasting joy will always be forevermore.
Your everlasting peace will be enjoyed by all of your saints. Praise the Prince of peace.
Your everlasting long suffering will be revealed before us forevermore. Praise your mercy holy God!
Your everlasting gentleness will be forever. Thank you for being gentle and meek with each of your saints.
Your everlasting goodness will be forever and ever. Glory to your name,holy Father.!
Your everlasting faithfulness is revealed to your saints. We bow! We bow! We bow low!!!!!
Your everlasting meekness is shown to all. Glory to your meekness holy God!
Your everlasting temperance is displayed to all and for all!
Everlasting God, may you be praised forevermore.
Everlasting God, even before the mountains came into existence, or you brought the world into being you were the eternal God.
LORD God help me to trust you forevermore. You are my enduring protector.
I praise your eternal salvation for all who are willing to receives it! Oh thank you God!
You are the only true God. You are the living God and the everlasting King.
You are my everlasting God my refuge, and underneath you are your eternal everlasting arms holding me up!
I praise your everlasting wisdom and understanding eternal God.
May my words and my thoughts today be in accordance with your will and acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my everlasting God.

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