My Righteous Judge you are holy and true. You are judge of all. You have judged all that how lived on the earth and you continue to do so. You are my Judge. You are not only my judge but whatever i need you to be for me. Thank you so much. You are my Helper at all times. I stand in awe of your greatness, power, strength, wisdom and knowledge. Glory to all that you are, including being my Judge.
I need you to be my judge. I want to learn more and more about your just ways. I know your ways are fair, loving and true.
Glory, worship, honor, wealth and riches to the blessed holy Judge of all.
I am glad you are watching me and viewing my life. Thank you for correcting me when i need your correction. Honor to the Judge! You are righteous and wise and i can always count on you to judge my life and all that happens to me. Praise you my Righteous Father for watching over my life.
You are always fair, right and true at all times. I am not. Teach me your holy ways so that i can be fair when i am making important decisions. Glory to your great and awesome name Holy Judge of all.
You are the LORD my God; and You carry out your judgments throughout the earth. How wonderful are your just and holy ways. Glory and praise!! Praise and glory to the Exalted Judge.
I thank you for being my LORD, my ruler, my commander and for being my Judge. My deliverer. Praise You the Judge of all! You are a Majestic Holy Judge.
You are my Righteous Judge. Thank you for coming up close to me. Being besided me means so much to me. I can feel your softness and warmth and love as you draw near to me. Praise your holiness and purity and all that you are. You are my light and life.
I want to respect you at all times. Help me to be very careful in what is say and do.
I know you are weighing my words and deeds. May you view my life and find that i am listening and waiting on you to help me to live in your holiness.
I exalt you are my Judge holy Judge.
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