
Sunday, June 29, 2008


MY Powerful Father,
You have declared that you are my shield, just as you were Abraham shield and protector. I worship you with all my heart and soul.
You are the Holy One of Israel help me to learn all i can that would bring you honor and glory. Be my shield and show me where i am hindering your blessings. Guide and help me to run to you with my thoughts, shield them Lord.
LORD God you are my Sovereign protector. You bestow much favor and honor to me and i am very grateful for your mercy.
LORD God you withhold no good thing from those who walk in integrity and truth.
You take notice when we are serving you or not serving you but ourselves. Help me to beware of any pride that pots up so i not grieve you Holy Spirit.
Help me to trust in you my LORD, my delverer and my protector.
Thank you for teaching me and training me to remember to use your shield to keep me on track.
Thank you for your shield of protection.
You reward the godly. Like a shield you protect us in your good favor. Thank you.
Help me to be your loyal follower.
You are the One true God who always acts in a faithful manner. Your promises are reliable.
I will take shelter in you LORD MY SHIELD.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Blessed Father,
Today i understand that you desire me to think about you being my Maker.
So i come. I bow down and worship you my Maker. I kneel before you the Lord, my Creator!
Thank you for all you have done for me and for caring for all my needs and concerns. You are faithful to all your holy promises.
Lord, you are my Father. I am the clay, and you are my potter; I am the product of your labor.
You are God of the entire earth.
You see all my struggles when i pray to you. Thank you for hearing my prayers. I praise you my God.
May you bless all who come to you with a pure heart.
Lord help me to listen to you and turn my heart to you and be refreshed.
Help me not to harden my heart and forget you my LORD, who made me, who stretched out the sky and founded the earth. Help me to serve you willingly and faithfully with total surrender holy One of God.
Help me to lift up praise to you with holy reverence and holy awe because you are so magnificient. I proclaim the name of the LORD; I acknowledge the greatness of my God.
No one can compare to the LORD our God, who sits on a high throne.

Friday, June 27, 2008


My dear Father,
I Praise you Father for teaching me and training to live for you.
Worshiping you is so delightful that i just rest in your holy presence..
Lord you are my God and i thank you for hearing my prayers and watching over me.
May your glorious Spirit shine brightly in our hearts bringing forth praise from our lips giving thanks to him who sats on the throne in heaven for ever and ever.
Lord thank you for the privilege to serve and worship at your footstool. Enlarge my heart to love you more and more.
I will proclaim the name of the LORD; I will acknowledge the greatness of my God.
Who can compare to the LORD my God who sits on a majestic high and holy throne.
Lord thank you for being merciful and fair and forgiving; Thank you for being compassionate.
I offer praises up to heaven worshiping you and singing songs of praises and hymns in worship.
O LORD, my God how magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth!
May you Sovereign God extend your favor to us!
I know the LORD is great, and that he is superior to all gods.
Lord help me to delight in your word and feast upon it.
My Father may the name of our Lord Jesus be glorified in his followers according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
May our hearts be in complete total surrender to you Lord our God.
My Father i give you thanks for changing my heart and giving me a new heart of flesh and for changing my life and changing my outlook on life and for changing my countenance. Bend me Lord my God until i am lost in you and help me to keep my focus on you.
Praise the Lord my God!
I love you. Sue

Thursday, June 26, 2008


The LORD has a name written on his clothing and on his thigh: "King of kings and Lord of lords.
Who is this Majestic King? The LORD who commands armies!
The LORD who is strong and mighty!
The LORD who is mighty in battle!
King Jesus thank you for answering me when i call to you for help!
You are a great God, a great King who is superior to all gods.
You sit enthroned over the engulfing waters, the LORD sits enthroned as the eternal King.
LORD thank you for being with me. Thank you for being faithful. Help me to be loyal to you King Jesus.
The LORD rules forever!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My dear Father, you have given to all mankind how the beginning of the heavens and the earth were created. You alone made the earth and heavens.
The heavens indeeed the highest heavens belong to the LORD my God, as does the earth and everything in it.
May your blessing be given to all as you look down from heaven and may your wisdom and that laid the foundation of the earth impart life to all as multitudes of heaven worship you. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be happy! Let the nations say, The LORD reigns.
LORD reign and rule in all areas of my life. Set on the throne of my heart forever. I submit to your control and rule holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty. I worship and praise you Almighty God of heaven and earth.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


My Holy Father today i praise you because you are worthy of all praises for all the earth is yours.
Lord you are magnificent and your reputation is world wide. For the earth and its abundance are yours.
For as truly as you live, moved and exist all the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD.
Praise the LORD from the earth, you sea creatures and all you ocean depths.
You are the LORD our God; You carry out your judgment througout the earth.
The heavens and the earth were created by your mighty Word. You the LORD God who made the earth and heavens. LORD you own the earth and all it contains, the world and all who live in it.
The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of the whole earth. I to melt before your holy presence.
For you, O Lord are the sovereign King over the whole earth, you are elevated high above all gods. Let the whole earth fear the LORD! Let all who live in the world stand in awe of you!
For you are the only genuine God of all the nations of the earth. All nations of the earth will recognize that to be so sooner or later for the whole earth will be speechless in your presence. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
Let us all give thanks to you, O LORD, for your words are right, true and fair at all times! You are a Just and wonderful compassion God.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Holy Father, Today you are reminding me You are my rock. I can be safe and secure in you at all times. How wonderful to be reminded by my Father how well and beyond you go to help your followers. Thank you Father.
Lord you are alive! My protector is praiseworthy! I exalt you high and holy Most High God. Please help me to moved, exist and live for you and your holy purposes for my life.
You are my stronghold, my deliverer. My God is my rocky summit where i can take shelter, my shield, the horn that saves me, and my refuge.
The LORD, my protector, is just and never unfair. Your holy message is like a fire that purges dross! It is like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces! You, the LORD, so affirms it!
LORD, you have been active from ancient times; my sovereign God, you are immortal, you are my beloved father and i praise you.
Indeed, who is God besides the LORD? Who is a protector besides my God that gives me strength and help and safety? fOR you are my high ridge and my stronghold.
May my words and my thoughts be acceptable in your sight O LORD, my sheltering rock and my redeemer.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


My dear Father,
Today i am stirred in holy amazement to your holy ways. Glory and praise to you, Most High God.
I praise you today because you are OUTSTANDING BEYOND my imagination. You show up in our lives and show us ways to look to you so you can be our banner. We watch in amazement to your great power and might you perform in our lives. Glory to your holy name. You attract the attention of all who look to you for salvation and eternal life and for all of life itself. Glory, honor, praise, worship and thanks to you HOLY ONE of God. Praise be to God Almighty. Praise you Jesus.
You are my banner. My victorious warrior. And i hold up my banner in the name of Jesus Christ who gives me victory.
You are my strength and my shield. My source of confidence. You are the Just and holy One. You are very zealous Lord. I pray you would zealously work in my life and my family's life, in my marriage, my work and service, and in all areas of my life.
Thank you for zealously changing my heart, my situations in life, my outlook, and my countenance. Thank you for encouraging me that you are at work in ways that are far beyond and way out of my thinking. Glory to your name.
Thank you for all your wonderful works of kindnesses in my life.
Blessed be the Lord, my helper.
Today i lift up praise with my mouth praises my Lord and my Savior and my Banner.
You shine forth with radiant glory and power. Holy, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord God Almighty.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lord Most High

My gracious Father You are the Lord Most High. You are the LORD who thunders from the sky; the Sovereign One. You are awe-inspiring; you are the great King who rules the whole earth. You know what we do and you are aware of what goes on.
Lord Most High i take my refuge in you You are my safety and security. And i celebrate you the Sovereign One Lord Most High who allows me to draw near to you.
Sovereign King over all the earth who reigns and rules forever take me under your powerful wings.
I trust you, LORD, because of your faithfulness.
I lift up praise highly up to you Most High God.
For you are all-Powerful and all that you are and do deserves our praises and worship. You are the Lord God Almighty.You alone are worthy of worship and praise and honor. There is no other that is worthy of honor, i know not one. Just You alone Lord God Almighty.
Hide me in your shelter Sovereign One so that i can reside in your protective shadow my Mighty God.
LORD you reign forever!
I will thank you the LORD for your justice and ways are true and right.
I will sing praises to the Sovereign LORD.
You are the Creator of heaven and earth in you i find new life.
I honor you and hold you high in my thoughts. You are great and powerful. Lord Most High.
I present myself to you today exalting you. Glory and honor to you Lord Most High.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Gracious Father, I praise you my peace. Thank you for being all i need and more.
Lord you are the one who gives me peace at all times and in everyway. You are with me, my peace and security.
Lord of Peace i present myself to you as a live offering submitting to the peace of God. May your peace encircle me at all times. May your peace give me the strength i need to serve you holy righteous God.
You have said grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Lord you are the one who gives us a good reason to celebrate. Thank you for completely being available and nearby.
May your grace and peace be lavished on us so we can grow in the rich knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord!
Lord of Peace may you lift up your countenance upon us and give us peace and security.
Thank you that i can lie down and sleep peacefully, for you, LORD, make me safe and secure.
Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!
Lord may their be peace to all your followers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


My Wonderful Father,
I look to you and make my supplication and thanksgiving to you praising and exalting you Lord God Almighty.
I find great delight in knowing you and worshiping you. You are always in my thoughts.
Great and astounding are your deeds.Thank you for blessings me everyday and special times of blessings. I worship you and give thanksgiving to you for your love and care. Thank you for being concerned about what concerns me and those things that i worry about i know that you really do have under your control. For you reign and rule my life. thank you for keeping my mind and heart at bay when i start to think my old ways rather than your thoughts.
You are just and true in all your ways, King Jesus. Help me to listen as you speak to me mighty Voice of the Almighty. Help me watch to see how you will direct my life today knowing that you will speak to me through whatever i go through. I love you Father. Thank you for teaching me and training me to receive your answers in ways i never imagined. You constantly at work in my life helping me and encouraging me to live a holy life for your glory and praise and honor.
You Lord God Almighty are perfect and blameless in all you do, help me to look to you for all my needs. Thank you for being the Lord God Almighty who strengthens my hands and who holds me up and who sustains me no matter what comes my way. You are wonderful and do great and mighty works. Praise you Lord God Almighty

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


My Gracious Father, You are more precious than gold, and the choicest silver. You are very near Sovereign Lord.
Thank you for being my Holy Father. You are All-Powerful Lord.
As for the LORD God Almighty, the LORD is the name by which you are to be remembered.
Thank you for allowing me to live in the shelter of the Sovereign One, and to reside in your protective shadow.
Lord you rule over all. You appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty but by your name the LORD you were not known to them. You appeared to Abram and told him you were the Sovereign God. Walk before you blameless. Thank you for placing the Holy Spirit inside of me and sealing me forever with him so that i can walk in love and truth.
You are the Alpha and the Omega and you have said you are the one who is, and who was, and who is still to come is the All-Powerful!
Praise your coming to receive me as your child and with these words i am in awe of you:
We give thanks, LORD God, the All-Powerful, the One who is and who was, and because you have taken your great power and begun to reign.
Yes, Lord God, the All-Powerful your judgments are true and just.You are always faithful holy One of God.
Thank you for the filling me with your power to serve you. O LORD WHO RULES OVER ALL, how blessed are those who trust in you, the Majestic KIng. The LORD who commands armies! You are the majestic king!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

LORD YOU ARE Lord (Adonai)

LORD You are a warrior, the LORD is Your name. Your splendor fills our lives to overflow into the lives of others. You speak to your servants in all your glory. I sing of your deeds, for your splendor LORD is magnificent. LORD You are powerful and majestic. I give you thanks Lord of lords, for your loyal love endures forever and ever.
You alone are deserving of all praises. To you be the glory, splendor, and power mighty Lord.
Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the sky! Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD! in the heavens!
Praise, him servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD! Praise the LORD!
Praise the name of the LORD! Offer praise, to him all servants of the LORD!
Ascribe to the LORD, o families of the nations, ascribe to the LORD splendor and strength!
O LORD, our LORD, how magnificent is your reputation throughout the earth.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


LORD You alone are the only true God. You are the living God and the everlasting King. And i praise and exalt you All-Powerful God.
When you show your anger the earth shakes. None of the nations can stand up to your glory.
Lord i pray you would powerfully turn our hearts from idols to serve you the living and true God.
Thank you that you have given me a new creation in your image in righteousness and holiness that comes from you.
And i know that the Son of God has come and has given me insight to know him who is true. And i also know i am in him who is true, in your son Jesus Christ the one true God and that i have eternal life. Praise God!
May you also help me to keep practicing the truths i know so that i will stay in your wonderful light and be use of you so it will be plain evident that my deeds have been done in God Almighty's power and where you receive the glory due to you alone.
Lord God, the All-Powerful God, your judgments are true and just! You are not the God of the dead but of the living.
Lord i thirst for you for the living God. Thank you for enabling me to know you and your presence in my life. Thank you for your ever-present help and encouragement. Thank you for eternal life that i may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you sent. I love you. May you keep me protected today as i go and serve you today. Please use me today powerfully through your Holy Spirit guiding my words, and filling me with your truth. Love Sue

Friday, June 13, 2008

King of heaven

Glorious King of heaven, Today i am excited when i think of heaven.
Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. I exalt and glorify you King of heaven, for all your deeds are right and your ways are just. You are able to bring down those who live in pride. You have established your throne in heaven; Your kingdom extends over everything. You are the Sovereign King of Kings and Lord of lords.
Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be happy! Let the nations say, The LORD reigns!
King of heaven i lift up my praises to you. May your holy Spirit receive my praises. You are my King.
Thank you for listening to all my prayers from heaven. When i pray and seek your help i am certain you respond and bring deliverance to me. You are my Savior and i await your return Lord Jesus Christ.
What an awesome place heaven is where you dwell my Lord. May the gates of heaven soon open and may we see the Lord in all his glory coming. Surely you are coming quickly. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Great Father, Today you are talking about your being a majestic king. How glorious. Teach me. I know you are the majestic king.
Who is this majestic king?
The LORD who is strong and mighty!
The LORD who is mighty in battle!
Blessed is the King who is strong and mighty in battle!!
Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! May you bring peace to each of your followers who love you in the truth and walks in your spirit's guidance.
Eternal King help me to remember to look up and see your wonders you have done from eternal past to eternal forever!
You are immortal, invisible, the only God, who is to be honor and glorified at all times forever and ever! Amen.
Majestic King may you rise up and enter into my life with strength and power doing whatever your heart has prepare from the beginning of eternity.
I bow before you asking you to sit on the throne of my heart and your holy Spirit to reign and rule my life.
Enliven me to be quick to do your will and not hesitate once you nudge me but to fully go as you command me.
May all honor, praise, exaltation and glory, riches, power and blessings be yours and made the world yields to your majestic glory.
May you overflow into the lives of all who love you and worship you majestic King of kings and Lord of Lords.
I will exalt you my majestic king in my life continually, for all glory and praise belongs to you.
I will praise your great name continually!
Lord you are my glory and joy!!!
Glory to God in the hightest and on earth peace among people with whom he is pleased!
To whom be glory forever and ever!
May glory be given to you my Father forever and ever. Amen.
To him be the glory in the church in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My Father, You are the All-Powerful Judge of all the earth.
You quickly scan our lives and see it all. You always do what is right, true and fair. Teach me to always seek you so i will receive the wisdom to do what is right in all of life situations. Teach me to quietly sit at your feet listening carefully as Your Spirit teaches me. Help me to be sensitive to your promptings and immediately obey and trust your direction. May your spirit lead me so i will do what the Judge of all the earth desires of me to do without hesitation.
You are Sovereign and rule the earth. You are a great King over all the earth. In all the earth are your judgments. You are greatly to be feared and admired. You are filled with wisdom. May your Spirit touch my lips to proclaim your greatness to this generation and the next generation. Thank you for allowing me to live on earth and to experience your greatness and power on earth. I exalt you Judge of all the earth.
May your pure and blameless eyes take notice of your humble servant's praises and prayers in exalting your greatness and power holy Father.
May your blessings be on my life and my families as we worship the King of all the earth in all his righteousness and purity. May all those who seek you out be blessed forever more holy and wonderful God of all the earth.
I know that someday judgment is coming and no one will escape this judgement.
May your servants be busy in proclaiming the good news of salvation to all you send to each one of us each day.
I cannot wait to see Jesus face when he welcome us home. To be in his presence and see the joy on his face as he looks lovingly at each one of his beloved saints saying i love you welcome home my dear one. Come and see what i have in store for each one of you. Welcome home.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


My Wonderful God, I praise you for having the power and strength to keep me from falling when i have no strength of my own. When I am helpless your jealous spirit is always near to pick me up and help strengthen me. Thank you for upholding me with your righteous right hand helping me with every new challenge that comes my way. I thank you for keeping me in the hollow of your blessed reign. Thank you for your unfailing love and compassion. Thank you for filling me with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for keeping me under your watchful eye to keep me safe and secure and encircling me with your love and protection.
Today i feel so loved by your care and concern for me. I know you do not want any harm to come to me that would pull me apart from your holy purposes for my life and for my family's. Thank you for granting me your wisdom in coping with all the stresses in life situations that all people have. I praise your wonderful name Jealous God.
Show me how to continue to love you with all my heart, mind and strength and soul, so that my spirit will keep worshiping and serving you in ways that bring honor to you Blessed Spirit of God. Thank you for being my ever-present helper and for allowing me to walk with your Beloved Son. Thank you for enlightening my eyes as i walk each day quietly and lovingly receiving your comforting words that your whisper softly in my ears. Help me to readily listen to your voice Almighty God. How i love you for sharing yourself with me and making me feel so loved and precious in your sight.
Help me to be quick to learn your ways as you teach me how to walk in the Spirit and live by the Spirit's power. May you fill my mind and heart to overflowing in gratitude to all your commands you graciously are teaching me. Above all may you be glorified and magnified through my life as you lead me in the direction you wish for me to go. Help me to seize every opportunity to work in your kingdom. Keep me from every false way and quickly turn me away from sinful behavior. May i stay true to your just ways great and mighty God. Truly you are jealous over me with righteous jealously.
Teach me to give you honor, praise, and love as you alone are worthy of such recognition.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Mighty Father, Your word says you are who you are. I know you are my shield, and that you are the one who rewards those who trust in you being their shield. I pray that you would shield my mind and heart as i trust in your protection. You are the Lord. You stand at the door knocking. Thank you for coming into my heart and mind. You invited me to come through the door of salvation so i could find salvation and so i could serve you and find your help in times of need. I am deeply grateful for your love and protection. I rejoice in my salvation. Praising and worshiping you with all my heart. Thank you for taking me to yourself and for being my God so that i could know for certain that you are who you are the LORD my God. Help me not to bow down to anything or anyone but YOU. Thank you for residing in me. Thank you for sanctifying me and using me to become what you desire me to become. Help me to become holy through your working in and through me in Christ Jesus. Help me to be honest and repentance as you search my heart and mind. For it is you who sanctifies me. Thank you for setting me apart to serve in holiness. Lord you are who you are and you have said I AM WHO I AM. You have revealed to me your greatness, strength and power. You do great and wonderful deeds. You open your hands wide and pour out your love and comfort in everything you do. You are Wonderful and do wonders every day. I praise you eternal everlasting God. I greatly humble myself before your mighty presence most high and holy God. Exalting and worshiping you righteous Creator and faithful God. Thank you that when i am to weak to go on you give inner strength so i can continue to serve your purposes. You are the One who upholds me and strengthens me everyday of every moment. Praise your power and might, Upholder.
Thank you for being my guardian encircling me with your love and protection. Help me to stay on track. Thank you for protecting my mind and heart. Thank you for calling me to come and behold your wonderful glory and power. I praise you Yahweh. You are the ALL-POWERFUL ONE. You are the door of my salvation. I praise you Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Gracious Father Tonight you have reminded me that you are the great I AM.
Father i look to you and ask you to open my eyes to see the work you are doing in my generation. You said, Have i not made myself known? You desire for all to personally know you are the I AM. Help all seek you find you as I AM for whatever their needs might be. And you have called each one of us to be your servants to serve you. I praise you that you become the source of all that we need for us to serve you well. I pray that your divine purposes for my life would prepare me for whatever service you require of me. That you would show me my destiny; how you will accomplish your plan for my life. I know it will be accomplished because you guarantee your power and presence.
Thank you for your promises that you will always be with me. You have proven throughout my life that you are the God of strengthen me when i am weary and tired. Your Spirit strengthens me and builds up my confidence in your power and might. You have said you are MY GOD. You will fulfill your promises concerning me for you are the great I AM.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Holy One among you

Holy One you are the One who acts mightily among us and i exalt you mightily. You are worthy of my spirit lifting up your exalted high and holy name. My spirit worship and exalts you holy One.
I thank you that you are so longsuffering and patience with me and that you watch over my life. You are so very good to me most holy One. I pray that Your Spirit would be please today to fill me with your holy presence and that you would be please to renew my spirit to overflowing into the lives of others. May your power and presence rest upon me my Lord and my Savior my God.
May you be please to equip me this day for whatever services i am to do this day for your glory as i prepare my day may your Spirit remain upon me and lead me holy One among us.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Father today i see you as the HOLY ONE. I am awakening to the fact of just how holy you are through the great Atonement. Thank you for consecrating me and setting me apart to be holy. I pray your Great Spirit would teach me how not to violate the trust you have placed in my spirit and mind. May your Spirit restore my wandering heart when i am led astray through sin. May you place your righteous right hand upon me and heal my waywardness when i sin.
Thank you Jesus for your intercession for me as i pray seeking holiness and enlightenment in serving you so glory will be brought to you. I pray your Spirit would keep me spiritualy fit and healthy in serving you the holy One. Please keep me near you and help me not to stray from your holy word. Open my eyes to see the needs of those around me and use me when you so desire for i belong to you. I want to worship you in every way you direct. You alone are worthy of worship and my time. Thank you for your Spirit's filling, giving new life and new start and new beginning each day. Great is thou faithfulness and great is thou compassion and rich love for all. Worthy is the Lamb, the Lion of Judah! Thank you for being so near to all your followers. Thank you for standing with me and holding out your righteous right hand to guide me and direct my walk. May you be exalted this day holy One in my life and in all of your servants who love you in the truth and holiness. Thank you for your plans for my life for they are good. You are good. You are love.
Be exalted on high holy One of God.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Holy Father

Holy Father, Today i praise you because you are my Holy Father.
Your Word says for us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Please help me to go and make disciples. Your Word also says if anyone is ashamed of you and your words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will alos be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels. Lord i don't won't you to be ashamed of me so help me prepare now for the work you desire for me to do.
I pray you would fill me with the Holy Spirit and that i may have rejoicing in my spirit as i go and make disciples. Thank you for reveiling your awesome plans for my life. Help me to obey those plans each day.
I thank you heavenly Father for giving me the Holy Spirit to help me and comfort me as i need it. Thank you for my advocate the HOly SPIRIT who teaches me everything i need to know to do your will Holy Father. Thank you for keeping me safe in the hollow of your blessed son love. Thank you Father for pouring out your power and might in my life as i serve you and thank you for your faithfulness Holy Father.